"Just shut up 'kay? You just made my headache even worse!", I pulled my duvet up above my head and held it tighter to cover my ears. "The pain in my head was like an axe that repeatedly stabbing my head", I mumbled under the duvet while holding my head.

"There'a water and medicine on the night stand, help yourselfㅡ I'll be right back, don't get too comfortable without me", he teased as I felt my duvet shifted as the person stood up.

"Please close the curtain before you left, you satan!", I grumbled waiting for a reply but the sound of the door slammed was the only one heard.

How much did I drink last night?

I remember I was drinking with Merida last night in a bathub and doing some random shower karaoke, and after that its all a blur.

My hand slowly reached the glass on the night stand while I kept my other hand occupied by covering my head with the duvet avoiding the blinding light of the sun.

I gulped down the water and it was like the best water I've ever tasted!

okay, sorry, I'm exaggerrating.

But the freshness of the water and the feeling when it touched my tastebuds and my throat just felt like an oasis in the middle of the desert, it felt so right that it left me wanting more.

Okay, maybe I'm just thirsty as hell.

I gulped down almost half of the glass and I took down the medicine with the remaining water.

"Ahhhㅡ thats really a life changing experience", I put down the glass and literally threw my body back to the pillow.

"Didn't I tell you not to get too comfortable without me?", I heard the voice once again.

"God! You're back?!", I pulled the duvet to cover my head, basically trying to avoid the conversation.

"From a satan to a god real quick huh?", he chuckled.

It could be funny in normal days, or in some occation, but not now because I'm tired as fuck and I wish I could stripped off from my body, literally out from the flesh.

"Come on, I brought you breakfast", he said again as he realized he won't get any answer from me

"Bringing me breakfast? What am I now? Queen Elsa of Arendelle?", I scoffed under the duvet

I heard the plates clattered and I knew the person put down the plate.

"Please leave me alone, I'm trying to rest here", I slowly closed my eyes and heard a loud sigh from the person outside.

And then it was silence.

Not a single sound I could heard, making the uncomfortable feeling in my ear.

Am I dead? I need to rest not to rest in peaceㅡ

I slowly shifted my body inside the duvet. I heard the sheets grazed making a sound.

Its not heaven, its oddly too quiet.
Heaven should be filled with angels sing songs or birds chirping like that right?

I could barely breathe as I felt it was gettin hotter and hotter inside the duvet

I need airㅡ
But the tension in the room just made me suffocating inside my duvet.

"Okay, I appreciate your gestureㅡ its getting creepy please say something", I said

But there wasn't any response, it was an utter silence.

"Elsa", I heard a very husky deep voice right in my left ear breaking the silence, it almost felt like I was being seduced.

Please, Just One Wish (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now