Turtles In Time

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We were on the rooftop.

"Give it up, Leo. There's nothing we can do. It's been weeks since we last saw her. When she poisoned us!"Raph yelled. "Yeah, Leo. If we can't find a cure, we might have to let Karai go"Donnie said, leaning on the door. 

"It's not that easy, Donnie. You should know"Leo said then he look at me. Why is he looking at me? " 'Cause you're still hung up on April. Just a guess"Mikey said. "Actually I am not. I am in love with someone else"he said then he look at me. I blush and look away. "Sometimes you don't have a choice. You think about someone. A lot"Leo said. 

"Dudes, I'm never gonna have a crush on a girl. Uh-uh. No way, no sir. This turtle's dedicated to one thing and one thing only. Ninja-ing. Oh, yeah! "Mikey said then did some ninja moves. Raph open the door.

"Yo, Mikey. I got a little ninja-ing for you right here"Raph said then aim the hose at Mikey. "Whoa!"Mikey said. "Raph!"I said as he soak me. I laugh as I try to move away. "Shell soaker!"Raph said, aiming at Leo.

"Aah! All right"Leo said as he walk off. Raph soak Donnie next. "Hey!"Donnie laugh. "Look at you. Go back into your shell"Raph said, trying to aim at one of us. "Whoa. Huh?"Raph said as he look up and stop.

We look up and saw this girl floating. "Whoa!"I said then her staff doesn't work. "Aah!"she said as she fell down. Mikey ran to catch her but they crash. Oh that got to hurt a lot. "Whoa, are you okay? Huh?"Mikey said as he stare at her. 

"Whoa. The leader, Leonardo. The warrior, Raphael. The inventor, Donatello. The magic warrior princess, Alison. And the cute one, Michelangelo!"She said, looking to each one of us. "Well, that's me. She knows us, dudes!"Mikey said. 

"I found you. I actually found you. The Turtle Warriors of Legend and the warrior wolf princess. This is so grokking cold!"She said. "Us? Legends? What the heck are you talking about? Nobody even knows we exist"Raph said.

"Nobody knows. Yet. But I come from the future, and wow. You guys are, like, so famous. Meeting you is way more interesting than meeting Genghis Khan or Billy the Kid or Socrates!"she said and I look at her. 

She does look like she is from the future. "Please. You're saying you're from the future, and we're important enough to be in history books? You expect us to believe that?"Donnie said. "Yes. You save the world. Many times"She said. 

"Awesome! High-three!"Donnie said as we did a group high-five. "Hey, there. The name's Michelangelo. But you can call me Mikey. Angelo is my middle name. What's yours? Let me guess. Future Girl? Amazonian Princess? Wonder Warrior?"Mikey said.

I am guess he is flirting with her. "Uh, nope. My name's Renet. I'm a Time Master"she said, putting her staff in the air. "Oh! Aah! Oh!"she said as she almost trip and drop her staff. "Okay. Assistant Time Master in training"she said.

"More to the point, Headdress. Prove to us you're from the future"Raph said. "Oh, right. Almost forgot why I came. I was kind of followed by an evil freak from the future who wants to control all of time and space"she said. 

"Uh, wait a minute. What did you just say?"I said then something light up on the sky. We look up and saw this werid looking creature. It remind me of a satyrs but the one that go to the gym everyday and eat beef jerky. "It's him. Savanti Romero"she said

*Theme song*
He landed and look around.

"How droll. The early 21st century. Why would you pick this era?"he said. "Oh, I see. The Turtle Warriors and the wolf princess . Of course. But you must realize they can't defeat me. Your history is wrong. Give me the time scepter and I shall let you live"he said.

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