Bat in the belfry

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"I've been having headaches and weird nightmares about space and other galaxies," April said.

"I don't see anything physically wrong with you, April. You're probably just adjusting to life back on Earth" Donnie said. Donnie and I were helping April out. "I don't know, Donnie. My seventh sense tells me it's not that"Mikey said as he enters the room. 

"It's that freaky crystal she never takes off," he said as April held on her crystal. "Hmm. I don't think a crystal could give you headaches, but let me take a look at it" Donnie said. "No! Get away from it!" she said, slapping his hand away. 

"Whoa, you're acting like it's your 'precious' "Mikey said. "You're addicted to that thing, April," I said. "I said back off me!"She said then I glare at her. "Okay. Okay. It's just a crystal. No big deal" she said as she hands it to Donnie. He took it and took a closer look with his microscope. 

"Wow. I'm seeing particles and structures I've never seen before. I'm gonna try an experiment" he said. He walks out and brought his other bo-staff to scan it. The screen flicker then disappears. "Alison," he said then I step up.  I place my hand above it and close my eyes. 

I heard screaming and a flashing light. I yelp as I pull away. "Alison!"Mikey said as he caught me. "Are you okay?" he said. "Thanks. I am fine" I said then saw a white foggy cloud in the air. "What is that, Donnie?"April said. "Trouble," Donnie said.

*Theme song*
We look at it.

"Um, Donnie? Some sciencey explanation I won't understand would be cool" Mikey said and Donnie took two-step toward it. "I-I just don't know," Donnie said. "It's alive," April said then it started to float around, looking for something. We move out of its way.

It went through something but it keeps on floating around. Leo and Raph walk inside. "What did you do this time, Donnie?"Raph said then move out of its way. It stops then moves again. It went through Mikey. "Ooh, tingly," he said. It shot straight up and disappear. 

What just happen? What was that thing? "Where the heck did it come from?"Leo said. "April's Aeon crystal, "I said. "But whatever it was, it's gone now," Donnie said. "I am going to take a nap," I said as I walk out of the lab.
"Man, that is one huge eyeball," Raph said as we arrive.

I took out my dagger. "Snap out of it, Mikey," Leo said then flew off. I float up and made a shield around us when it shot some lighting beam at us. "Hit it from every side. Try and keep it off balance!"Leo yell. I let it down then shot some back. I stop and grin at him.

"Now!"Leo yells as they attack him at once. It defeated them with one beam at a time! I gasp then hit me. I hit the ground and I groan. Mikey flew in to poke its giant eyes. It stares at him then shot some beam at him. April appear, holding her crystal.

"You took the crystal from my lab?"Donnie said. "It's mine. I need it"April said as she stops on her foot. She threw her fan at it. Her eyes glow blue and I whine in pain. Why do I feel so much pain right now? I am not over-using my power right now. 

Raph looks at me then walks toward me. "Alison...are you okay?" he said. "I am fine," I said as it slowly fades away. What was that? "Man, that was weird. Huh? Is everyone all right?"April said as he helps me up. I smile softly at him then look at Donnie. Why didn't he noticed I was in pain?

"Okay, I give up. Does anyone want to tell me what's going on?"Leo said as we huddle up. "I'll tell you what's going on," Mikey said as he raises his hand. "My comic book came to life," He said. "Okay. Any other theories?"Raph said.

"It's the Emperor Supreme of space eyeballs," Mikey said then push Raph and April away. "It used to be in my comic, but now it's vanished," Mikey said, showing his comic. "Right. That's why there's no eyeball monster in your comic at all. Come on, team. Let's head back to the lair" Leo said.

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