Return to New York

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"Ever since the invasion that is known as the invasion of New York, humans want to know what is going on. Everything is fine. No human is allowed in or out of the city until Kraang Uh, the military allows it. This is Carlos Kraang O'Brien K-Gambe"The reporter said. 

"Hmm, did the news guy seem a little Kraangy to you?"Mikey said then Raph hit him with a roll up newspaper. "A little? What, are you on the pepperoni?"Raph said. "The Kraang may have the rest of the world fooled, but not us"April said. 

Then she look at me. "And when do you return back to normal? It been days you been in this form"she said. "Until I can figure out. What's the plan, Leo?"I said. "Step one is, storm the castle walls. Donnie?"Leo said.

"It's not as heavily armored as the Shellraiser, but it's more maneuverable, has more weapons, and gets better gas mileage"Donnie said as he show us the blue print. "Then let's stop jabbering and build this sucka!"Casey said.

We all spend time to fix the party wagon. "The new and improved party wagon!"Donnie said as we smile. "It's so awesome!"Me and Raph said. "All right, team. Let's do this!"Leo said as we all high five.

*Theme song*
We all grab our stuff to head back to New York.

"Come on, Ice Cream Kitty. We're going home"Mikey said as I carry my book bag. "Arrivederci, Dr. Cluckingsworth"Donnie said as they nuzzle. "You both sicken me"Raph said as I put my stuff in the back. "Goodbye, old farmhouse"April said as I close the door. 

"Hello, New York City!"Mikey said as I sat next to Leo and Donnie. It was a long drive and I decide to take a nap. A small one. Someone shook me and I groan. "All right, team. First, we track down Master Splinter. Then we hunt for Karai and free the city"Leo said.

We glare at the gate. Get ready Alison. "So what's the plan, fearless leader? Ninjay or allout attack?"Raph said. "Ninjay. We park at the gate and sneak in. Then we split up and search for Master Splinter"Leo said.

"And my father"April said then they shine a light in front of us. "Okay, not good"I said. "Oh, man! They got us, dudes! The jig is up, home slice!"Mikey said then I pull them close to me. I tap their forehead then made us into shadow.

"Citizen! This is EPF quarantine sector 7B. Roll down your window. Authorized personnel only. No one goes in or out of New York City"said a voice. "Whatever you say, army dude"Casey and they walk away. 

"You see that? It's a Kraang mind control device. I bet they all have them"April said. "They're all controlled? Like Invasion of the brain suckers?"Mikey whisper but I push his head down. Gun was powering up and I close my eyes.

We were launch back and I landed on Donnie. "Um hi?"I said and he blush. "What are you doing, Casey? Stop!"April said then he broke in. Donnie gently help me sit up and I glare at Casey. "What were you thinking, man?"I yelled at him.

I let the shadow spell disappear. "You got any brains behind that hockey mask?"Raph yelled at him. "I had no choice, Raph. They were powering up their blasters"Casey said, looking ahead. "Um, guys? Where are all the people?"Donnie said as we look around. 

"You-you think the Kraang mutated everyone?"Mikey said as I glare. "No way, not possible"Leo said as April touch the car window. "It's completely possible. I only sense a few hundred people left in the entire city. They're gone. Millions of people just gone!"April said.

"One good thing. We haven't run into any Kraa-"Mikey said but Kraang appear, pointing their gun at us. "Oh, no! Why did I have to open my big mouth?"Mikey yelled. "It is the humans known as Casey Jones and April o'Neil. Kraang! Eliminate for Kraang!"They yelled

They shoot the van and Casey pull back but they surrounded us. "Man the defenses"Leo said. "Readying soda cannons"Mikey said. "Loading breath mints"Donnie said and I place them in order then push the slide thing. 

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