Zidane and I were in shock when we saw how the patient was. It was Xavier, her fiance.

Oh My God..  We comforted her and told her to go cool off while we do our best to save him. We sent some of the people out of the room while we check on what's going on. I don't like to work in a clustered room.

"Let's book and OR." I told the nurse.

"Zara, we have to save him." Zidane said.

"Yeah, I know." I replied. We have to do this for Kaityln.

"He has lost a lot of blood though." I state.

"Yeah, Let's go scrub in." Zidane said.

We hurried to the OR where they moved Xavier. Zidane and I scrubbed in and we are now ready to operate.

While in Surgery;
He lost a lot of blood and he needs a blood supply in order for his heart to be normal again.

"His blood type is AB+," I told Zidane.

"I have that blood type maybe I can give him blood." He suggested.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Let's hurry up and save him." He said with determination.

I nod and the nurses hooked up Zidane with the tubes for him to transfer blood from him to Xavier...

****Time Skip****

After the surgery Zidane and I went to check on Kaitlyn. When we entered the on call room which she was in, she was on the phone. Her voice was still sadden but she wasn't crying...

"Okay, I'll talk to later," I heard her say while she hung up the call.

"How is he? Is he Okay? Can I go see him?" She questioned.

"Okay Okay, One question at a time." Zidane said.

"Amm well the surgery was successful, he is now stable in a room, Zidane gave him blood. So yeah he will be fine. And yes you can go see him." I explained.

We escorted her to his room, and then her tears appeared again. She sat on a chair right beside him. She held his hand and started crying.

"Hun, He will be fine don't worry." I said trying to comfort her.

I rest my hand on her shoulder. We await for him to wake. Since he is responding to all the medication he is on, he is doing well. He will recover soon.

"Zara, Let's leave her alone for a bit." Zidane said indicating we should go outside while leaving Kaityln alone with him.

Kaityln POV...

While I was in the on call room trying to calm down, I decided to call Tom, the detective and tell him what the hell happened.

I explained what happened to Xavier and he was in shock. This was clearly a case. And that everything that is happening is either linked together or coincidencal. Tom said that he is working his ass off to find his brother's killer, who my unknown messenger is and now he has to find out who did this to Xavi.

Just then Zara and Zidane walked into the room. I told Tom, I'll talk to him later.

I asked Zara and Zidane, how is he doing? If he is okay? And if I can see him.
Zara said that it was a successful surgery and that they both worked together to save him. And Zidane even gave blood. They are really great friends... I couldn't ask for any better friends that them. They are the best..

They escorted me to see him. When I approached the room that he was in, tears were in my eyes. I was crying again.

I walked up to him, he had tubes connected in and out his body, he had bandages and stitches on him. I can't believe this were to happen to the love of my life. Where are the mercy of people? Don't they know that people have love ones and they can't go around trying to kill someone?

I sat beside him on a chair. I held his hands and tears were flowing down my face like a river... 

Zidane and Zara left the room so I can be alone with him.

"Xavier," I called. I don't know if he can hear me but I still called his name...

I rest my head on his hands... When suddenly, I felt movement.. I raised my head and looked at him. His eyes were opened, I smiled and wiped the tears that were in my eyes.

"Xavi," I said.

"Kathie." He said in a soft tone.

"I can't believe that you are awake. I was so scared, I thought I would've lost you." I said and the tears were in my eyes again.

"Babe, Don't cry. I'm not going anywhere, I'm  here. I may not be in the best health right now but, I'm here no matter what." He said and I smiled.

I leaned in and gave him a kiss...


Emma Baksh..

STALKED BY MY PATIENT Where stories live. Discover now