You are a catch 22

Start from the beginning

"Would it ever be something you'd consider?" She pursues the topic and her heart beats a little too fast for someone uninvested in the answer.

"It is not without merit." She speaks stiffly as Clarke approaches, boots cracking against twigs. The trees shadow their movements but nothing can hide the sounds of Clarke's clumsy steps as they traipse through the forest - she is a warrior, but not a hunter and she has lived in the sky for far too long to yet understand how to correctly walk on land.

"So, you might?" Clarke asks gently, not pushing for an answer. She stands to the side, legs wide and balanced, watching her companion.

"It would be considered on an individual basis." Lexa carries herself rigidly as it is, but there is no mistaking the sudden straightening of her back or the abrasiveness of her response -this was not a comfortable topic for the Commander and Clarke wants to apologize, but is stopped as Lexa stares meaningfully at her.

What does it mean? What does it mean? she wants to shout. Probably nothing she believes.

The tension is broken though by Lexa perking her head up into the air, holding out a hand, halting any further inquiry and Clarke freezes, following the other commanders lead, hands going to the gun on her hip. She doesn't hear anything, but that doesn't mean much Clarke has learned - the Grounders hear what she cannot during the hunt

(Late at night Clarke contemplated, once, whether their ability to hear so well is a metaphorical indication of how suitable they are for this land and how much Clarke and her people ARE not - a sign of how they will not survive with all their conflict an infighting and inability to speak to each other without remembering all the atrocities they committed in the name of survival as they orbited the earth, but then she'll remember Gustus' betrayal or the General that so hastily pursued and attempted to kill her and, it's a disgusting thought, but Clarke is a little comforted by the Grounder's failings. Lexa is impressive and clever and Clarke is fairly sure she would follow the other girl into battle in most circumstances, but her near-godlike ability to unite her people shines a glaring light on Clarke's own failings. The hearing is genetic, she thinks.)

"Clarke." Lexa turns to her, face rigid, "Run."

Something is barreling through the forest after them and Clarke can see nothing, but hears the cracks of trees far too large for anything human size to break. Her adrenaline is kicking in and she sprints over outcroppings, slipping against moss covered roots before finding her balance and taking off again. Lexa should be right behind her, she thinks, right behind. But she knows if she turns around there will be no grounder commander following her and that thought causes her to fully trip, falling dizzily in between two smaller roots and getting her foot caught. It's now that Clarke sees the beast that has chased them in it's entirety.

It's almost comical in size - head large and boxy, black with piercing yellow eyes and it almost reminds her of a cat, but for the drooling mouth and unholy stench. She tries to make herself as small as she can, hoping the shadows of the trees will be enough to hide her. Luck is, unfortunately, a bitch, and, while, the monster doesn't see her it charges in her direction and Clarke pulls unflinchingly on her foot, already knowing it will do no good. The colossus steps on her hiding space, cracking the branches over head and raining pieces of wood down on her, the long worm-like tail sweeps further over and the last thing Clarke sees is the collapse of all that surrounds her.

She wakes to furious whispers, and a wretched smell underneath her nose. Clarke sits up suddenly and then, immediately lies back down, fighting back the urge to upchuck everything she'd eaten that day. Lexa kneels over her and her lips move, but Clarke is still trying to just acclimate to the dizzying amount of stimulus in her head right now.

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