Grocery Shopping (AU)

Start from the beginning

"Ow, Lexa, jeez." She rubbed her hand and shot Lexa a hurt look.

Lexa grabbed her hand and kissed it quickly. "Sorry."

"I want some chocolate," Clarke pouted at her girlfriend, moving so she could stand closer to the girl. She wrapped her arms around Lexa's waist and leaned into her shoulder, pouting more. She knew it was difficult for Lexa to tell her no, but Lexa was a health freak—and even though Clarke loved her for it, it grew a little tiring when she had to hide her unhealthy food under their bed.

With an obvious exasperated sigh Lexa untangled herself from Clarke and leaned over, grabbing three York Peppermint Patties and a Butterfinger. Clarke raised an eyebrow as they were set on the conveyer belt without much resistance.

"Wow that was way easier than I thought."

Lexa chuckled and wrapped an arm around Clarke's shoulder, rubbing her finger tips over her upper arm in random, soothing patterns, "I just know you're probably starting your period soon. That's the only reason I got them."

Clarke rolled her eyes and slapped Lexa's stomach, "That Butterfinger is definitely not for me, I'm allergic to peanuts."

Chuckling again, Lexa stepped forward in line and nodded a greeting to their cashier before turning to look into Clarke's eyes. "Maybe I'm just planning on killing you so I don't have to deal with your smart ass remarks when I'm trying to grocery shop."

Clarke punched her arm and rolled her eyes, unable to restrain the smile on her face, "You're such an ass."

Lexa only chuckled and the two separated so Clarke could place the slowly filling bags into their cart. Once they were finished, the two exited Target and loaded their groceries into the back of Lexa's Prius—the girl was all about efficiency in every aspect of her life.

During the drive, the two girls sat in comfortable silence. Clarke closed her eyes, her constant working of the night shift at the hospital was really beginning to take its toll on her body. But when her phone vibrated, she lazily unlocked it and blinked at the sudden brightness.

Raven: We miss you guys. Come hang out with us!

An instant later another message appeared, this one from Octavia.

Octavia: You bitches need to stop being so domesticated. Get your asses to Polis!

Clarke chuckled and read them out loud to Lexa. "At this point I just want to get home, eat some chocolate and go to sleep for the next 48 hours." Her voice was husky with exhaustion as Lexa pulled into the parking lot of their apartment complex.

Lexa got out of the car quicker than Clarke and opened the door for her girlfriend. "Come on, princess. It's time for bed." She smiled sweetly at the clumsy, sleepy way Clarke unbuckled herself and stumbled out of the car. Her eyes were heavily lidded and Lexa couldn't help but think about how gorgeous she looked, even when she was completely exhausted.

Lexa had adopted Clarke's friends' nickname for the girl after hanging out with them a couple of months into their relationship. At first, it had annoyed Clarke, because she didn't need everyone thinking she acted like a self-entitled brat like the nickname suggested. But, Lexa had explained that it didn't mean anything like that to her. It meant that Clarke took care of her friends like a princess would her subjects. Or something equally as cheesy.

"I need to help you with the groceries," Clarke frowned at Lexa who closed the passenger door. Clarke rubbed her eyes and Lexa nearly melted when those watery blue eyes met her jade ones.

"I've got it, don't worry. Just go on up and get into bed." Lexa brushed Clarke's golden tendrils of hair away from her forehead before kissing it softly.

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