Doctor GoodLove (AU)

Start from the beginning

The suppressed seventeen year old still stuck somewhere deep down inside of her is going to die if that answer is yes.

Lexa clears her throat and firmly looks over Clarke's shoulder again. "No, I haven't had...uhm, I haven't in about ten months now." She doesn't blush, but Clarke can tell she's somewhat embarrassed by her answer. Clarke though? Clarke is very pleased with the answer.

And therein lies the problem.

Clarke is Lexa's doctor. Clarke isn't supposed to care if she's having sex or not, or notice how attractive she still is. This is all very, very wrong.

"Right, ok, I'd still like to draw some blood at the end of the exam and run a full panel. It's just protocol really and we'll email you the results in about a day or two at most. I know you said you aren't currently sexually active, but if that changes in future please feel free to make an appointment and we can talk about your options in regards to birth control."

Clarke really hates her life right now.

Lexa shifts on the exam table and gives her a tight smile, still looking like she'd rather be swallowing broken glass than be in this room right now. At least they have that in common she guesses. "Thank you, I'll be sure to do that."

Clarke closes the file, out of standard questions to ask and takes another deep breath. "Well, that takes care of that then. So is there anything else you'd like to discuss? Any questions?" Please God let there be questions...

"No, I'd rather we just get this over with." This, of course, being the exam.

The exam where Clarke will have to put her hands on Lexa and touch her. Lexa, who Clarke at one stage in her life, has imagined naked. Naked and sweaty and making very pleasing noises.

Clarke may not be in love with Lexa Thomas anymore, because that would be ridiculous at this point, but once upon a time she was and if she's honest with herself she's apparently still physically attracted to her. She is a doctor and she took an oath and this is not right. She can not lay her hands on Lexa's breasts and pretend she's just any other patient. That it's just a standard check-up where her hands are nothing more than medical instruments.

She can't even begin to think about the pelvic exam...

Lexa jumps slightly when Clarke just about rockets off of her stool. "I can't do this. I'm sorry, but I really can't do this." Clarke is going to get sued. Or something, she doesn't know, but she can't do this exam and stay detached like she ought to.

It would be a violation somehow if she touched Lexa, even if she kept it clinical and by the book. It wouldn't matter that Lexa would never know how inappropriate it is, because Clarke would know. She panics. She never had the guts in high school to approach Lexa, to try to ask her out or even get to know her a bit better, but she has to be brave today. She has to speak up and do the right thing.

"I know you don't remember me, but we went to high school together. I was a year behind you and really in love with you and I know it was a long time ago..." and she really just said that. Out loud, to Lexa, who is naked under that gown and trapped in a room with her. "And oh, dear God, please don't sue me for sexual harassment."

Clarke actually finds herself lifting her hands up in front of her in the universal sign for I come in peace and just about dies. How? How has she ended up saying all of that out loud? How has she managed to forget twelve years worth of training and say that to a patient. She's probably just scared Lexa off gynaecologists for life. And regular check-ups are important, dammit!

Clarke is going to lose her license and she'll deserve it.

"Oh, thank God." Lexa actually slumps back against the exam table and Clarke is confused.

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