She got me up all night (AU)

Start from the beginning

"CAN you feel the love tonight?"

Lexa grins as the shower beside hers screams to life and she joins in. "The peace the evening brings!"

3. Can You Feel the Love Tonight? -- The Lion King

Lexa recognizes the funky backing track as soon as she steps in, and does not hesitate.

4. Style -- Taylor Swift

She decides it's come time for popular songs and grins deviously when her next pick starts up.

An amused "Oh, my God" resounds in the other bathroom and then repeats, jostled by laughter, when Lexa executes the hook perfectly.

The neighbor's laughter settles enough for her to join in the next time around.

5. Trap Queen -- Fetty Wap

"Come on, Clarke, I've missed you."

That's enough to turn Lexa's head. She glances peculiarly at the long-haired boy, approximately her age, leaning against the doorframe an apartment down from hers.

There seems to be no response, because he sighs and straightens, digging his hands into his pockets in defeat.

Lexa stares straight ahead as she passes, turning abruptly at her door and stepping inside quickly. Because. Awkward.

It doesn't even occur to her that the apartment at which the boy was waiting belongs to her musical counterpart until she's bombarded by the heavy backdrop of a country song and a softer, plaintive vocal accompaniment.

It's not a hard song to recognize.

Lexa is unsure of whether she should continue with her shower or walk away and offer the girl -- Clarke -- some privacy. She doesn't have to choose.

"You there? I need you on this one."

Lexa swallows but forges onward, helping her companion build the song into something bigger, more passionate. By the time the song ends, it's an angry crescendo but it feels good.

6. Before He Cheats -- Carrie Underwood

Lexa feels like a child waiting for Clarke to turn her shower on before she skitters into the bathroom with her iPod.

Then she feels silly having to catch her breath and pretend she's been moving at a casual pace as the guitar riff somersaults between them.

When the melody begins, Lexa is assaulted by images of a slim brunette with a secretive sort of smile. "Now, here you go again," Lexa sings under her breath. "You say, you want your freedom." The brunette slips away into the night and Lexa aches.

The only other sound is the twin jets of water and Lexa feels foolish. Clarke probably doesn't even know the song.

After a few beats of Lexa's awkwardness, she nearly lets her voice fade out altogether.

But the girl manages to surprise her when she chimes in. "So listen carefully to the sound, of your loneliness."

Lexa takes too much pleasure in sharing this song with her neighbor she's never met. But it was a reassurance after Costia. Perhaps it can bring Clarke comfort, too.

It seems to help, because Clarke increases in volume like she did yesterday.

"Thunder only happens when it's rainin'.
Players only love you when they're playin'.
Say, women, they will come and they will go.
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know."

7. Dreams -- Fleetwood Mac

Clarke's mood improves over the next few days. She and Lexa trade off, exchanging Disney songs and showtunes and generally happy music.

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