"Guys what-"

"Go and get a first aid kit."
I ordered.


"First aid kit Jun-hee, go now."
She turned on her heels stomped to do what I said. I didn't necessarily want her hearing what happened.

"What the hell happened?"
I walked over checking on jimin's stomach. I looked them all over. It wasn't too bad, it could have been worse.

"We have bad news."
Namjoon flinched a little the cut on his lip most likely irritating him.

I asked.

"Yeah, We've been banned from the arcade."
Jin says.

"For what?!"

"Said we weren't welcome anymore."
Jungkook explained.

"Yoongi, I think this is gonna get worse."
Jimin says sadly as Namjoon and I helped him to sit.

"Found it!"
The boys looked at Jun-hee as she hurried to their side. The other boys took a seat in the room. Jun-hee tended to the guys, cleaning the cuts and bruises, putting some soothing oitment and patching them up. Everyone was silent as Jun-hee worked.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"
She finally asked.

"It's nothing really."
Hoseok tried to reassure but their filthy clothes and wounds said otherwise.

"I'm going to call my mom."
I say, not wanting to talk about anything right now.

"I have just as much right to know what happened, not just Yoongi,"
Jun-hee sighs in annoyance,

"There's no sense hiding things from me."

"Jun-hee this really isn't your problem. We don't want you hurt."
Taehyung explains.

"No! You don't get to decide that. None of you do."
She counters.
I just walked away. She just doesn't get it. How much I care about her, how much we all care about her and her being safe.
I dialed my Mom's number.

"Hi sweetie."
My mom sounded cheerful.

"Hey Mom, are you okay?"

"Of course I am Gummy, I'm alright. Are you ok?"

"yeah, I'm okay. Listen mom, I haven't been spending as much time as I'd like to so just know that me and the guys will be around the house more okay?"

"Really Gummy? It's okay."

"No it's not. we're gonna be around more."

"Alright Yoongi, I always love the company anyway."

"Of course mom. I love you."

"Love you too Yoongi."

I hung up, feeling the need to go over to my mom just to make sure that everything was really alright. Not to say that I didn't trust her words, it's just that Tony kept proving how unpredictable he could be. I thought I got a free card since we had a mutual respect for each other, he knows my pasts, my weaknesses but it didn't bother me till now. Tony helped me....even knowing how much of a bad character he really is I always thought it good to have this man taking me in, helping me to save my mother. What he does is dangerous but I'd do anything for my mother. Ever since Jun-hee though.... because of her....I realized I couldn't keep being in this dangerous lifestyle and now it's hell to get out of it, I even managed to drag my boys into this....

I was snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at Taehyung, silently grateful he snapped me out of whatever dark path my thoughts were going.


"Mom okay?"

"Yeah. She's alright for now."

"Let's go over there."
Jin suggested.

"You guys should go and rest. I'll check up on my mom."

"Hey she's our mom too~"
Hoseok whined.

"Yeah, we're family Yoongi."
Jimin says.

"I know, but right now my family hurt. Stay with Jun-hee."

"What about the situation.?"
Namjoon asked.

"Stop worrying, I can take care of myself. What I can't stop worrying about is how shitty you all look. Y'all clean yourselves up and let nurse Jun-hee get you back to into better shape."
Jun-hee scoffs at my words.

"You heard "grandpa", I'm in charge."

"Hey I'm still older-"
Jin pouts like the big kid he is.

"You're injured-"

I shake my head. They still had energy to be bantering. I slipped out the house and started up my car, destination: my house.

Bad Boys Need Love Too BTS: Yoongi Fanfic [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now