Words Spoken After Midnight

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Lexa followed Clarke's encouragement, her lips press against the blonde haired woman's neck, her tongue slipping up the ridge of the taut tendon exposed by the arch of Clarke's neck. Lexa's teeth closed around the tendon. Her mouth bit down into the sensitive flesh. It closed around skin and sucked hard lifting blood to the surface of Clarke's pale flesh, marring the pure surface with light pink marks. Lexa listened to the sound of Clarke's moans, adjusting the pressure of her teeth, and the force of suction to force further high-pitched whimpers from Clarke's throat. Lexa adjusted the position of her mouth, scraping her teeth down across Clarke's skin, to settle over the throbbing pulse point. The woman nuzzled Clarke's skin for a minute, nosing the flesh until Clarke's hands grasped desperate and demanding against her hair, then she bit down hard.

A curse fell from Clarke's mouth in response and her hands tightened in Lexa's hair. "Fuck," Clarke groaned the word falling from her mouth accompanied by whines and grunts as she gave way to the demands of Lexa's teeth. "Please."

Lexa smirked into the curve of Clarke's throat. She nipped at the pale skin twice more before pulling away to tug Clarke's mouth down into a harsh kiss. Teeth and tongues fought, scraping across lips, and digging into mouths until lungs ached and screamed for oxygen. Lexa dropped both hands to Clarke's hips, gripped the prominent bone ridges, and lifted Clarke onto the table pushing the maps aside with the swept of her hand.

"Let me quiet your mind." Lexa murmured as she nipped down Clarke's throat to the woman's collarbones. Lexa's hands darted away from Clarke's hips to the hem of the woman's shirt, pushing upwards underneath to smooth across the landscape of her abdomen before lifting the shirt.

Clarke arched her back into Lexa's mouth. She lifted her hands to grip the edge of her shirt, tugging it upwards to pull it over her head and fling it to the floor. Lexa chuckled into Clarke's skin, flowing down the length of the woman's abdomen to the curve of her stomach, smearing kisses across the lines of her flesh. Clarke gripped one of Lexa's idle hands and pulled it up to settle it on her breast. "Touch me." Clarke whispered as she squeezed Lexa's fingers around her breast.

Lexa's eyes darkened, her pupils blown wide, her lips parted as a soft moan left her mouth. The woman shifted her palm against Clarke's breast, rubbed the firm point of her nipple through the soft fabric of her chest binding, while her free hand groped along the edge of the straps clinging to Clarke's shoulders. Clarke arched her back and shoved her hand underneath to find the clasp of her bra, flicking the clasp undone, before collapsing back against the wooden table.

The dark haired woman tugged the fabric away from Clarke's skin, deposited it on the table next to her armour, before bending her head to take one of Clarke's tight nipples into her mouth. Lexa's tongue lashed against the prominent bud playing the nerve endings into a fine fury of desire and need. Her teeth closed around the tip, nipped and pulled, while her mouth sucked. Lexa squeezed the breast cradled in the palm of her hand, shifting her fingers to pinch and tug on the erect nipple, listening to the sound of Clarke's hissed moans falling from her lips.

Lexa's free hand inched away from the Sky Princess's hip, inwards along the waistband of her trousers, to the buckle of the belt. Her fingers adeptly worked the buckle undone, digging underneath for the zipper of Clarke's trousers, sliding it down before pushing her hand inside the tight warmth. "You're damp." Lexa muttered against Clarke's breast as she pushed her palm upwards into the woman's crotch.

"I want you." Clarke replied, her voice desperate, her lips marked by her teeth where she bit them to suppress the moans that rushed up her throat.

"Do not quiet yourself Clarke." Lexa instructed as she rubbed her fingers across the front of Clarke's underwear. Her lips curled into a pleased smirk when Clarke's lips parted to release a strangled moan. "Pleasure is not foreign to my people."

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