Eyes of the Chimera

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"Uh, still in the barn"Donnie said and she walk off. "Ugh"she said as she hit something. "Wh-what is this? I-is it invisible?"she said. "Uh, looks pretty visible to me"Mikey said as he walking toward her.

"April, where do you think you are? What do you see?"Donnie said as he touch her hand. "Clouds. I think I'm flying"she said. "Totally understand. I get that way when I eat pizza"Mikey said. "You're seeing things. I'm taking this off"he said as he took it off.

"Did that help?"I said. "I'm still in the air soaring. But now I'm heading down"she said then she gasp. "Ow!"Donnie said as she pull his hand. "Outside. I see Casey and Raph. They're under attack!"April said as we look out.

"We gotta help 'em"I said as we walk off. "What the heck? Another mutant?"Casey said as they doge its attack. "Where'd it come from?"Raph said then he got hit. "Booyakashaaa!"I said and wack it. 

"Ooh, bird, worm, and fish. Three animals, one body.I know this one. There's like a perfect name for it in mythology"Mikey said as I put my weapon up. "Chimera?"I said as it roar at me. Donnie wack it with his bio-staff. "Thanks"I said and he smile at me. 

"No, Turducken. But Chimera works. Aah!"he yelled as the monster scream at him. "Whaaa!"Donnie said and hit it. "Hoowha! In yo beak!"Mikey said and punch it across it face. It fell down but got up and went to attack Leo. 

It tail hit his knee. "Ahh!"he yelled as I punch it. "Leo!"I said and it hit us. We bump into April. "Careful, April. You gotta find cover"Leo said as she close her eyes. "What? Is that me I'm looking at?"she said as she look at it. 

"Look out!"She said as we doge it attack. "Ahh!"Leo said as he look at his knee. "This is my fault. I summoned this thing"April said as we ran for cover.  It found us and I put my weapon up. "Agghhh!"Raph said as he attack them.

"Stay back guys. We handle this"I said then ran toward them. I jump up and punch it across the face. It caught me with it beak. "Little help!"I yelled then it caught the others. Just great. Now who is going to save us?

"Time to bring the pain. Goongala!"Casey yelled as he jump toward the beast. It caught him as we scream. "Whoa! Aghh! Your pain! Your pain!"Casey said as it started to fly. "No!"Leo yelled, trying to reach us. "No!"I yelled but we flew to the sky.
I chuckle as I saw Casey getting hit by some trees.

"This is not cool!"He yelled as I sigh. "You are so wrong"I said and he glare at me. "Whoa!"We yelled as we were pulled up. "Put us down!"Mikey yelled. "That's not a good idea"Donnie yeled but the creature decide to let us go.

We scream as we fell down to a nest? "Whew. That was close. Maybe they'll leave us alone now"Mikey said as we got up. Then we heard something break. "Um, no.I think we're supposed to be dinner"Donnie said as the creature scream.

"What are we waiting for? Let's move!"I yelled as we ran off. I stop and saw Mikey is being attacked. "Let him go!"I yelled and made a small blast from my hand. It scream as I help Mikey up. We ran on a tree branch. "Get it!"Donnie said as he and Casey hit it.

It scream as it glare at me. "We gotta get off this mountain"I said as I walk back a little. "Easy, Turducken"Mikey said. "We can take this thing"Casey said. "Not on it's turf"Donnie said then it hit us with it tail. We scream as I look down.

Someone caught me and I look up. "Hey princess. Don't think I will let you down"he said as I smile. He let me go once I was safe. We look up and it look at us back, screaming. "Well, looks like it doesn't wanna climb down. I think we're safe"Casey said.

"Safe? Dude, we're trapped inside a giant hole"Donnie said and they both glare at each other. "Um, did you feel something move a little?"Mikey said and they fell down. We look and saw they are kinda safe? 

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