Part 35: Doctor Jin

Start from the beginning

Yoongi nodding returning the hand shake replying "Your assumptions correct and all that really needs doing is calming Jimin's nerves since he's making a big deal out of nothing." Ignoring the mention they've spoken about him before.

Jin chuckled agreeing "He can be dramatic but let's see what we're working with first."

Both followed him through to a room which seemed very homely considering the modern industrial vibe outside.

It looked more like a home doctors office than a hospital but that only made it more accommodating.

Yoongi say down on the table Seokjin patted before the elder instructed for him to remove his shirt.

Jimin was going to offer to leave the room but Yoongi already had his shirt over his head and was in the process of throwing it to the side.

Jimin really couldn't help himself, letting his eyes trail for a moment over the slightly toned, snowy skin before landing on some giant bruises.

Seokjin frowned the moment he saw them and asked "How did you get these?" To which Yoongi responded "That masseuse is no joke. She went hard and bruised up my back trying to relieve the pain."

Jin nodded before asking "May I?" hovering his  hands slightly over the skin.

Yoongi nodded once and Jin started to trail his hands along Yoongi's spine and then were his ribs should be, frowning at the swelling and bruises but over all concluded it was probably irritation from the massage since it seemed like Yoongi's body was delicate.

That's why Jin's concerns went from his back to his general health.

"When was the last time you had a blood test to see if you had any deficiencies Yoongi?"

"Years ago, why?"

"The easy bruising could be due to the lack of something like vitamin D. How much time would you say you spend in the sunlight daily?"

"Um however long it takes to get from the car into work and vice versa. We do the shopping at night so not then."

Jin nodded before proceeding to ask "How much sleep do you get?" To which Yoongi cryptically answered "A lot more than I used to."

Jin nodded taking note on a pad he had to the side before saying one simple word "Diet?"

Before Yoongi even had the chance to bullshit an answer Jimin already replied "Non existent." Causing the elder to glare at him in betrayal.

Jimin just ignored it though thinking about what was best for his hyung.

Seokjin nodded before explaining "A lack of vitamin D can lead to osteomalacia for people in our age range which is basically weakness, aches and pains because the bones don't have enough calcium. It could explain the back pain. But because of your life style it could be something else."

He walked over to his desk, quickly typing something in before continuing "Foliate aka folic acid or B9, whatever you want to call it, works B12 to make healthy red blood cells. If theses a deficiency it can lead to folate deficiency anaemia, which causes tiredness, loss of appetite and other stuff. Or lack of pantoghenic acid can cause fatigue, stress and depression but- sorry I'm babbling on but the more you know hey. We should do some blood works and see if it's involving that then it might stop your back pain and bruising and improve your life style over all."

Yoongi nodded as Jin went over to his desk and brought out his prepared equipment since he had a feeling from Jimin's constant concern the other wasn't taking care of himself that it'd be necessary.

And as always Kim Seokjin was right.

When he brought the stuff over to Yoongi he took note that the other was paling as he maintained eye contact with the needle even though he facially looked unbothered.

So to save Yoongi some embarrassment he said "Jiminie could you do me a favour and hold Yoongi's hand please, it's necessary for reasons that are to boring to explain."

Jimin was quick to comply, moving to Yoongi's side and holding his small hand out for the older to take immediately, which the elder did.

With a deep breath and soothing words and nudges Jin managed to get the blood sample he wanted and Yoongi coolly looked to the side to wipe his tears with Jimin's hand still in his other.

Jin smiled knowingly and the fond smirk on his friends face before he told them they were free to go, remembering the kitten Jimin had gushed to him about being allowed to pick up the day prior.

And like that they exchanged pleasantries (Jin forcing his new dongsaeng to accept the sugar treat he had in his draw for special occasions and getting his phone number) before leaving for the long await reunion for the kitten.

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