Chapter 16

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"I Hope Tomorrow Will Be Different From Today."



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Three days had gone by since their little 'incident', neither of them have uttered a single word to eachother, and the silence was slowly haunting them both.

It was Saturday - they were drinking their morning coffee, both in separate tables doing their own things; Jungkook watching a show and Jimin reading a book Yoongi had let him borrow - 'Island Of The Blue Dolphin," and having read a few chapters, he found it very intriguing.

A few hours later, when Jungkook had fallen asleep on the couch while a korean drama was still loudly playing, and Jimin was sketching an old antique clock Jungkooks brother had gifted him from a yard sale a few years back, a quiet knock was heard at his balcony window.

He sighed, this wasn't new to him considering how he lived right in front of the city centre and a lot of young people would pull jokes on him, however they always occurred in the middle of the night where it had more affect.

He carefully placed his pencils neatly in their packet before closing it. He wrapped his small fingers gently around the baseball bat, just in case, and slowly walked to the window. There was another one, which made him jump and quicken his pace. His hands reached for the handle and quickly pulled it, his bat held high up.

There was nothing. He let out a sigh of relief and attempted to close the window but that was disturbed when a certain silver haired male jumped with a wide grin and shouted, "Boo bitch!"

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