Chapter 1

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"I Want To See It All."



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My eyes shifted to the side again and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As I blinked, they dripped from my eyelids and slid down my cheeks. I bit my buttom lip tightly in attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from my mouth; my heart sank.

My lower lip quivered as words slowly made their way out of my mouth. "Please stop...I beg you..." I began, yet what followed was engulfed in the tremors.

The hits got harder, and harder, until red was the only color visible. "You fucking useless bitch. Next time I tell you to do something do it right!!!"

I bit back the sobs that threatened to escape my mouth, I knew he hated it when I cried, I knew the hits would only get worse.

"Fat whore." I sank into the floor, letting my stomach get kicked endlessly. It wasn't new to me, it became a daily act. But I knew he only did it when he was angry. If doing this to me meant it relieved his stress, then I'd gladly give in.

He left. I brought my knees to my chest as I stared at the ceiling, smiling at the thought of him being home early as I blinked away the cold water droplets.




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