Chapter 15

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The yellow shining sun started rising from the obscurity. It filled the sky with mighty colours of red and splashed the clouds with endless rays of colors, merging into neon pink and peach as they stretched across the sky, announcing the new day as it melted away the dark twilight and filtered through the curtains and bounced on his awakening face.

The morning was nothing but peaceful and mesmerising, however it was lonely for the boy. It's surprising, but he realised that his mornings were never lonely, they may be sometimes filled with pain but his lover was always present no matter what, and he couldn't help but miss the presence and scent of the other man.

However he decided not to agonize over it and make the most of his day without any worry and fear. He turned on his favourite playlist on his large speaker. When he heard music, it was like liquid adrenaline being injected right into his blood stream, enough to make him tingle and move his body like it was the only part of him that truly knew how to speak. It made him happy and reminded him of when he used to dance for a living and how much fun and enjoyable it was for him.

He got a lot of things done today, things in which he would do in the spam of a week all together. He made his favourite breakfast, pancakes and went on a morning jog, enjoying the birds that sang loudly and the cold air that carressed his bare skin. He visited an old sick friend of his from high school, Yoongi, and they exchanged many laughs and hugs as they caught up on eachothers life. He had been sick for years and was not able to walk at all, luckily he was slowly improving with a larger life span if the correct medication and care was used. He then went to buy a few things that he hadnt renewed in a while, books, hoodies, jewellery and perfumes. After a lot more little activities he had done and when the sun had hidden, he was satisfied and head home.

Disappointment and worry soon filled his mind when he saw that his lover was still not home, and when he couldn't seem to fall asleep he decided to look for him. Jungkook always told him of his whereabouts, no matter how angry and hurtful he is, Jimin always knew where he was.


After two hours of searching and panting, he still had no luck. He searched every places Jungkook liked to go, from where they hung out to the bridge where they got engaged.

He figured there was only only place left he could possibly be if not at his friends house, and to his releif, he was right.  He approached the man, but soon stopped in his tracks as he noticed Jungkook sipping on his almost empty bottle of alcohol while caressing the names the were written in bold on the old tombstones.

'Jeon Jisung.
Loving father and husband.
1972 - 2016.'

'Jeon Yejin.
Loving mother and wife.
1975 - 2016.'

"Why'd you fucking leave..." Jungkooks voice broke at the utter of those words, his dried out tears were now replaced with new wet ones and his clothes were now damped with the cold wet ground.

Jimins heart broke at the sight of his lover being so broken and vulnerable. He took a few steps closer, taking a pause when Jungkooks eyes were filled with hate as he turned to Jimin. He stood up, limping to the man in front of him while Jimin backed down.

"What are you doing here Jimin?"  He glared at the older.

"I I came to see if you were okay..." Jimin couldn't help but stutter as fear and sadness washed over him.

"If I'm okay?" Jungkook laughed mockingly, "does it look like I'm okay to you?!" He shouted.

Jimin looked down at his hand as he felt the tears burning to run down his cheek but he made sure to look stronger as he mumbled a barely audible, 'I'm sorry.'

Jungkook tried to walk closer to him, his drunken state stumbled on Jimin, his arm holding on to Jimins shoulder and the other on his forearm in order to not fall.

"Do you know how much I hate you Jimin?"

He could feel his tears start to fall slowly, Jimin choked back a loud sob before placing the back of his hand on his mouth to stop any noise from coming out.

"If only you weren't alive, my parents would still be here and my baby brother wouldn't be the way he is right now!"

This was Jungkook's breaking point before crying loudly against Jimins chest, he sobbed and muttered incoherent words as he fell to his knees, Jimin making sure he still holding on to him while sitting down as well. He wrapped his arms tightly around Jungkooks shoulder with no intention of letting the younger go.

"Let go of me Jimin, please."

Jimin shook his head violently and held on to him tighter, running his hand through the Jungkooks hair.

A few hours passed, when Jungkooks arm was tightly wrapped around Jimins shoulders and Jimin held him close while fidling with their apartment keys until he finally managed to reach their shared room. He carefully placed his weak husband on their bed before removing both their jackets and accessories while placing the heavy blanket ontop of his cold body. He took this opportunity to caress the boys cheeks softly, removing a few strands of hair from his eyes. He sighed, knowing that tomorrow would be the exact same as any other day where Jungkook would be everything but kind and caring towards him.

After minutes of staring and admiring his sound asleep Jungkook, he decided it was time to sleep and proceeded to head to the living room. His movements however were soon interrupted as he felt a weak arm hold onto his hoodie sleeve as tight as he could, despite his drunken mind.

"Can you stay, please?" Jungkooks words came out as a whisper. He gulped. Knowing perfectly well that he had no right to ask this from the man he hurt and abused carelessly for years.

Jimin didn't hesitate, he nodded and smiled as he made his way to the other side of their bed, making sure to leave a gap so Jungkook wouldn't complain about him being so clingy.

A while passed, and Jimin was in deep thoughts while he stared deeply at the ceiling, however those thoughts were soon interrupted when an arm sliding slowly over his waist and pulling him close so that Jimins back was against Jungkooks chest, and he could feel his husbands hot breath fan on his neck.

Both of them soon fell into a deep slumber, enjoying the rare moment in eachothers loving arms.


- L O L so shitty, I didn't proofread this so feel free to point out my mistakes

- Ray.

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