Time To Go

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Y'all probably think this is the Epilogue. Lol it's not. I'm writing this because I can't stop getting emotional writing the epilogue. So leave me alone. 🤧


Alex couldn't lie, taking care of a walking toddler by herself had her wanting to pull her hair out. Alayna was definitely on the move, and with her being gone she didn't realize how active she had gotten.

This little girl was extremely fast and Alex was extremely out of shape. Especially to be running after a one year old who started to walk a month ago.

She had finally gotten her down for a nap. After she whined and cried for damn near an hour asking for Derek. He didn't even answer his phone, she had to call Heather and she had to pull him out of a meeting so he could coax her to sleep.

Alex was tired herself. "Baby!" Derek's voice rang through the phone reminding her that he was still on the phone."

"Oh shit! Babe I forgot you were on the phone."

"It's cool, she does the same thing to me. I almost cried myself."

"Babe why is she like this?" Alex whined.
"That's all you. I don't know what you did but that is your karma." Derek laughed.

"Whoever I did it to I'm sorry! Please don't let her be like this when she's older!" Alex said to no one in particular.

"Stop being dramatic. I'll call you later. I love you guys."

"Love you too." She sighed closing her eyes for a much needed nap.

Thirty minutes later

Alex heard a banging sound. Followed by little pitter patter of feet. Alayna was in the window banging on it. Screaming!

"Little bad ass! Get over here stop banging on my window

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"Little bad ass! Get over here stop banging on my window."

"Mama!" She ran to her. "Pfft?"

"Do you deserve any puffs? Do you?" She picked her up. Alayna smiled kissing her on the cheek. "Tove you!"

"Mhmm Love you too. I guess you can have a few." She went into the little kitchen grabbing the puffs. They climbed the steps going to the bed. Alex pulled out her iPad turning on Mickey Mouse for her. She sighed in content as Alayna was consumed into the electronic device.

Her phone vibrated with a text from Gigi.

Gigi 🙄: Girl how about you and my little friend go out to dinner.

"Wanna go out to eat strawberry?"Alex asked the little human. She looked at her mother not really caring. "Okay well going out it is."

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