Dedication and Forgiveness

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"Alayna Milani Jones please cooperate with mommy. I just need you to sit still!" She tried to fix her hair.

"Baby where did you say her dress was?" Derek peeked his head in the room.

"Derek the bed is on the dress. I mean the dress is on the bed! Baby please I can't not right now." Alex huffed blowing a piece of hair from her face.

"Are you okay?" He stepped into the room.

"No, she won't sit still and I'm not ready. You're not ready and it's almost ten!" Alex ranted.

"Breathe baby. Don't need you having an attack right now. Go get ready, and I'll get her dressed." He rubbed her shoulders

Alex sighed before handing Derek Alayna. She saw Aidan sitting on the couch in his suit talking to Maddie. At least he's ready.

She went into the bathroom turning on the water she allowed her body to relax underneath it. She got lost in her thoughts. She was missing her mom and her presence at the moment. Today was a day about her baby but she had no family to celebrate with them. Turning off the water, she stepped out drying herself. She walked out the bathroom seeing Derek dressed, hair not done and Alayna dressed playing with some keys while Derek struggled to get the two pigtails as best as possible.

Alex laughed as she gripped the towel tighter slipping on some undergarments and her robe. She took over for Derek adding a little product to slick the front and brushing down her baby hairs she went to grab the two bows to clip to the front. All done.

Alex found herself growing a little emotional

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Alex found herself growing a little emotional. Alayna wasn't her little baby, she was but she wasn't and here she was today being christened. If anybody told Alex that this would've been her life three years ago she wouldn't believe it. She had to stop stressing herself and live in the moment because time was not on their side. She silently prayed Alayna kept her hands out of her hair.

"Baby can you do my bun please?" Derek asked.

"Mhm. " She grabbed the brush, brushing his hair into the pony tail before flipping it over into his signature bun. "Do you want baby hairs as well?"

"I think I'll pass this time."

"Great." She looked at the time seeing it was 10:15. She had 30 minutes to be completely ready.

"Baby, If you don't let Alayna mess her hair or dress up, I'll give you head for a week or something. Just please don't let anything get on her dress or let her pull at her hair." Alex practically begged.

"I got this baby I won't! I promise."He scooped up strawberry before exiting the bedroom.

Alex quickly rushed to throw some makeup on her face and some light curls in her hair. Thanking god her clip ins decided to blend today. She saw she had five minutes to spare she shimmied into her dress. She grabbed her important belongings and shoes running out the room.

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