Rose Babysits

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*Bella in the MM*

Aidan sat on couch next to Rose, while he tapped away on his iPad. She watched him do what kids do all the time.

Rose was bored and she wanted to do something, she began to look for some craft stuff maybe they could draw and talk.

She went into Aidan's room and saw some paper and colored pencils. Grabbing them she walked back to the living room.

"Aidan lets put down the iPad and do some Arts and crafts."

"Okay glam ma." He ran over. "My friend Maddie is supposed to be calling me after she gets off the phone with Mickey."

"Okay well when she calls you can talk for a little bit." She handed him paper and the pencils.

"So Aidan tell me about Ms. Maddie. Since I keep hearing about her."

"Maddie is my best friend, we talk all the time. But when we were at the same school before I left my other mommy, Maddie and I used to get picked on because we had red hair. Until one day daddy said I need to make sure nobody mess with me I fought the boy. He pushed me first but still."

"So then what happened?" Rose asked sketching something on the paper.

"Mommy came to the school sick, and just yelled at the other mommy. She was gonna fight but daddy came and scooped her up like Superman and took her outside. Then they went into the office and had grown people talk."

"Oh wow! That's good you stood up for yourself. Mommy will make sure nobody messes with you she has a big heart."

"Glam ma how was mommy growing up? Daddy says strawberry acts like her. But mommy is nice strawberry is bad."

"She was a good baby. She was mean though. She knew what she wanted and when she wanted it. She didn't really cry either. Unless she didn't get her way. She was spoiled you could say."

"Daddy says we're spoiled but he spoils us. So who's fault is that."

"Aidan you're funny." She looked at the young boy in front of her full of life. Alex and Derek were letting him be a kid. Be care free. Things she didn't let Alex do.

"All done glam ma!" He held up a picture with stick figures.

"What is it?"

"That's me, You, strawberry, then daddy and mommy kissing." He pointed to each stick figures.

"Wow we have a Picasso in the family."

"Here you go! You can have it!" Aidan's iPad started ringing. He looked to Rose to make sure it was okay. She nodded her head letting him be.

He hopped down answering it. "Hi Maddie! Did you like your gift?"

"Yeah Aidy! Thank so much! The big teddy bear is my favorite!"

"You're welcome since your my best friend I had to get you something special. Did Mickey get you something? My daddy said the woman in your life must feel like everyday is a special day. Especially on Valentine's Day. So did he make you feel special?"

"Mmm yes I guess, I can't a little teddy bear and a card."

"No flowers?"

"No, the only flowers I got was yours."

"Dump him. He should've gotten you flowers." He mugged.

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