Saving Aidan

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Derek woke up seeing Aidan spread out. Alex's arm thrown over him. "Geez they sleep so wild." He slipped out the bed quietly getting out of the bed going to do his morning routine. He quickly got dressed. Checking on Alayna he saw her hanging off the crib. "What are you doing?" She jumped back sitting down in the crib. She pulled herself up reaching for him.

Derek pulled her out before changing her. Washing the crust out of her eye's carrying her into the kitchen making her a bottle. She only wanted breast milk so Alex was stuck breastfeeding until otherwise.

He carried her to their bedroom tapping Alex. "Baby I'm about to go. Lay is right here and she's drinking her bottle."

"Mmkay." Alex puckered her lips, Derek kissed her a couple times before placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'll be back in a couple hours. Okay." Alex scooted to the edge of the bed. Wrapping her arms around Strawberry, who was drinking her bottle, holding on to Alex's ear. It helped them both sleep so Alex didn't mind.
Derek drove over to Aidan's house. He parked the car hopping out her banged on the door. "Tiffany! Tiffany! Open the door!" He bagged wildly.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" She snatched the door open. The smell of alcohol hit Derek in his face.

"It's 9am! And your drunk! Where's Aidan?" He stepped into the house. It was mess, bottles thrown everywhere, takeout, clothes all over the place.

"Idk in his room probably. Why?"

"You're pathetic, on me. You haven't checked on your son in a day?"

"He's a big boy he can take care of himself." She shrugged.

"No he can't! He's been at my house since last night."

"Well shit at least I know he was taken care of. You bringing him back? Actually You can keep him if you want too. Unless you like one of the pedophiles types." She took a swig of Hennessy.

"You need to get your shit together. I'm not sending Aidan back here."

"Can you not hear!?! I don't want him! Keep him! He's to smart for his own good, he's too soft. That's why Ray tried to toughen him up." She laughed at the memory.

"You let him do that to your son? I gotta go before I put my hands on you and I'm supposed to respect women but your low. I'll be back with papers for you to sign and see if Aidan wants to say bye." He slammed the door.

Derek exited that house, calling Moses to go ahead and fax the papers over. Over his dead body would he allow Aidan to go back and live like that.

Meanwhile back at the Condo

Alex woke up to Aidan sitting on the bed watching the Spider-Man movie. Alayna still asleep. That child slept like she worked 5 jobs.

"Good morning Aidan." She stretched.

"Good morning Ms. Alex. I was waiting for you to get up, so I turned on the movie."

"That's okay. Did you brush your teeth?"

Aidan shook his head no. "I don't have my toothbrush."

"We should have more underneath the sink. Pause the movie and let's go do that." Aidan following instructions paused the movie before following Alex into the bathroom.

She sat him on the counter on Derek's side since he wasn't tall enough. They brushed their teeth, and she helped wiping his face off.

Before they walked back into the room. Alayna was sitting up on the bed looking a lot like Alex contemplating life.

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