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A little girl and a little boy, are sitting at a table. The little boy looks familiar to Alexandra but the little girl not so much. They are In what seems to be a play room.

"Mommy, come play with us!!" The little girl calls out. "Mommy? Whose you're mommy?" Alex asks. "You silly!" The young child laughs.

Alex nervously moves from her spot in the door frame. "Okay what are we playing?"
"Tea Party." The little girl answers. The little boy takes a shift in his seat. He whispers to the little girl. "I don't think she wants to play with us, Mommy's mad me."

Alexandra starts to feel a weird way like something was wrong, "What's the matter?"

The little boy begins to cry. "You're mad me mommy."

"I'm not mad at you why would I be mad?" She felt a connection to them.

"Was I bad? Why didn't you want me? Why did you keep her and not me mommy? I'll be a good boy, I promise mommy. I'm sorry. I love you mommy." He says hugging her legs.

"Im sorry. I didn't mean to, I wasn't ready. I was selfish. I'm so sorry." Alex tries to explain to him.

Alex cries out, a force comes and pulls Alexandra away from the room. The further she got the louder the young child cried.

"I love you too. I'm sorry." Alex says tossing and turning. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

All of the movement and noise startled Derek. "Baby? Alex baby wake up! You're having a nightmare." He says shaking her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Derek I can't breathe. Help me please." She begs feeling a panic attack coming.

"Okay baby look relax, I forgive you whatever it is. Just relax. Deep breaths baby, think about the baby. We don't want you to have a panic attack. If you have one that will be a lot of stress on the baby. Calm down." Derek rubs her back as Alexandra's breathing regulates. "Do you feel better?"


"Okay, good imma run you a bath, you sweated through the sheets and I need you to be as relaxed as possible."

Alex nodded her head, laying up against the headboard the dream was replaying in her head. It was very different from the others. She knew her subconscious had dug up the guilt she thought she had buried. She's was so deep in thought, Derek had been calling her name. He came and picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. Stripping her from the very little clothes she wore, and placed her in the bathtub.

"Baby" her voice comes out low. "Don't leave me."

"You want me to get in?" He asks.


"Whatever you want." He says climbing behind her.

No words are being exchanged between the couple. Their relaxation playlist playing softly in the background.

"Alex? Why were you crying?" Derek finally breaks the silence.

"I've been having these dreams...They were happy dreams at first, me playing with a little boy, you know just doing whatever he wants. He would call me mommy I had no issue with it." She closed here eyes sighing. It's like everytime I closed my eyes, he would welcome me back and say he missed me. We would just spend so much time together, he felt like mine. But this time it was different. It was him and a little girl. She called me mommy and said she wanted to play tea party. She said that We always played tea party." Alex felt the tears roll down her face.

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