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⏱: 3 Weeks Until Tour

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: 3 Weeks Until Tour

Alex walked into her husbands building, bringing him some lunch. Seeing the growth and progress of it was amazing to see. She had been telling him for forever to get a building, between the BLM cases and Simone's Immigration cases, they had been swamped.

Seeing some prestigious men come out the board room, clearly a meeting had just taken place. One face in particular stood out to her.

"Happily Married? What you doing here?" The guy from her building cornered her.

"Visiting my husband, bringing him lunch. Excuse me." She mugged.

"Oh Mr. Jones is your husband. Hmm happily married that would make you Mrs. Jones. Well I'm just here, as a potential investor for your husbands Non Profit. It would be a shame he missed out on this money because of his wife." He smirked evilly. Taking the card out his pocket, he slipped it in Alex's blazer pocket. "I'll be expecting a call from you."

Hearing that made Alex's blood run cold. She didn't want him to loose any money but she didn't want to do anything to jeopardize her relationship. Should she tell her husband or not? She contemplated on what she should do.

"Baby! What you doing here? Why you just standing there like that?" Derek came out the board room seeing his wife.

Alexandra shook herself from her thoughts. "Oh I um, I brought you lunch. Since you didn't have time to eat breakfast."

"Thank you baby. You know what would make it even better? If you stayed and ate with me, I could tell you about the meeting." He kissed her cheek.

She blushed. "Of course, that's why there's a container for me to."

The couple walked into his office, He told his assistant to hold his calls closing and locking the door for no interruptions. Taking a seat on the plush couch placed in the corner of the room, they pulled out their food. "Damn baby, I haven't eaten all day! Who made this? You?"

"Grandma Ruby, Strawberry and I went to visit her and she was in there cooking up a storm. She told me she would watch the her for us, while I brought you the food."

"Well shout out to Grams, because I needed this. What's your plans after this?"

"Well, I have a session, and tour rehearsal which means when you get off you have to pick up Lay, So no staying in the office late baby. You've been doing that the last couple of days. We miss you, especially at bath time. You know she likes to see us both."

"I know, it's different working for somebody and working for yourself. I promise Im gonna get off early especially because I can't believe you guys are leaving me for two months."

"I know, but don't act like as soon as you get an off day you'll be on the first flight out."

"Very true, but it's different I have no life outside of y'all. Im gonna be lonely." He gave dramatics throwing himself on her.

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