I shouldve said I love you Pt. 2

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"Dr. Lain is she gonna be alright?" Simone asked worriedly.

"She'll be fine, Baby Girl is doing just fine. Her blood pressure is a little high, but it's nothing to be worried about. I think given the conditions she was just under....her vitals look very well. As soon as she wakes up, you guys are free to go. But I am ordering that she be on bed rest for the rest of the week. For just in case purposes. I don't want her doing a lot of work and it rise. We're gonna keep an eye on it"

"Thanks Dr. Lain. Oh my gosh, I could kill that nurse. That was the scariest shit in my life. And I've seen a lot of shit."

"Did you find out what room the guys were in?" Simone asked rubbing Alex's head.

"Yeah but I didn't go in there yet, I wanted to check on her first before I had to explain to Derek his wife fainted while 7 months pregnant because a nurse misread and made her think you were in surgery. Do you hear how crazy that sounds? Yeah No Alex needs to wake her ass up."

"Well how do we do that? Slap her? Star?" Simone gave her the "really bitch" look.

"If you bitches slap me I will fight y'all pregnant and all." Alex mumbled.

"Alex! Man you had us scared. How you feeling?"

"I'm fine, how's Derek? Have you guys heard anything?" Alex say up worriedly.

"Girl that bum ass nurse read the charts wrong, dumb and dumber are fine."

"Dumb and Dumber? Oh no what did they do?"

"Imma let your husband tell you. Angel told us after you fainted. So we gonna fight the nurse and those idiots."

"Well I'm fine, can we go see them now."

"Yeah Dr. Lain said she's putting you back on bed rest though. Your blood pressure is high again. Which means no driving. Hard Head."

"Of course she is. Well let's go hear what trouble they got in too. But let's make sure we leave out me fainting and Driving. I don't want to hear his mouth."

"Mhmm, but if he ask I'm snitching. Ya man not gonna be mad at me because you wanted to omit information from us."
The boys hospital room

"Oh my god!" Alex walked over to her husband sitting in the bed. "Look at your face!! You look beat up! How do you feel?"

"Surprisingly I feel fine, thank god I was wearing a helmet."

"A HELMET?!? For what? Can somebody explain to me why it looks like you where in a cat fight, and you look super banged up."

"Yeah, tell her what y'all did!" Star instigated.

Noah and Derek shared a look between each other.

"Baby I tell you, I love you today? You look ravishing. Gimme Kiss."

"Ah Aht. No sir, somebody tell me why me and star almost whoop this nurse ass for y'all to be sitting up here fine. Well not fine but not dead!"

"Okay look, Angel came over." Noah started.

"Hey man don't try to blame me!"Angel backed up.

"Everybody shut up! Derek tell me what happened. You wouldn't lie to your pregnant wife? Would you?"

"Alright look, Angel drove the motorcycle today. Me and Noah wanted to ride it. He tried to protest but Noah told him he drove one before so Angel let him ride it. I ain't know how to so I hopped on the back. But I took the helmet. The speed was new for him, so we went zooming down the street. You know the Cul-de-sac in Star neighborhood is, we hit the corner too hard and Noah tried to brake and I flew off."
"Luckily I had on the helmet, but I scratched my legs and arms. And the helmet scratched me. But the impact of me hitting the ground knocked me out for a minute. With Noah The motorcycle jerked and pulled at Noah's wrist which would explain the brace, because it's sprained. And the engine burned his leg. Angel called the ambulance."

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