At the center of the garden is where the two were seated. It's a simple garden table and chairs.

"Hmm... I'm planning to decorate the garden a bit. Add some other kinds of flowers and maybe buy decorations to make the garden prettier. Of course if Shin allows it that is." <Maya>

"Well, Shin-Sama probably wouldn't mind." <Misomi>

"That's true. I'm also planning to go and take a look at RamenSuki." <Maya>

As soon as Misomi heard the name of that place, she became concerned.

"Why!? Just forget about that place, Mother! It's definitely him that plotted such thing to you. If you go there again, I'm sure they will try something again if they see that you're well." <Misomi>

"Even so, I still want to know how the restaurant is doing. It's where my dream prospered." <Maya>

"..." <Misomi>

Misomi couldn't reply. She didn't know what else to say that will change her mother's mind. Even when there could be danger, Maya still intends to go there.

"Please understand... I won't go in. I'll just have a look from the outside, will that ease you a little?" <Maya>

"...Okay." <Maya>

An awkward silence was created between them. Maya brought up a different subject to break the silence.

"Enough about me. Let's talk about you now. I want to know what you think about Shin." <Maya>

"Shin-Sama? He's a very nice person. He has help me with my problems and I'm very grateful to him. I guess he's also strong, considering that he has the Legendary Cursed Sword with him." <Misomi>

"I see... That's good to hear. Then, do you like him?" <Maya>

As soon as Maya brought up such question, Misomi quickly turned to look at her mother with a flustered face.

"L-L-Like him!? What are you saying, Mother!?" <Misomi>

"Exactly like what it means. Don't you have feelings for him?" <Maya>

"Feelings... Well, I do admire him. But if you're asking me if I like him, then... I don't know..." <Misomi>

Misomi went quiet. That question sent her into a daze. Thinking hard whether she really likes him.

"L-Let's say I do... But I doubt he would like someone like me. I'm just a plain girl. I'm not as beautiful as Shana and Iris. If anything, I don't see how he would like me." <Misomi>

"You forgot something." <Maya>

"?" <Misomi>

"You have your cooking skills! Didn't Shin say he likes Ramen? And that it's his favourite food? Then that's good enough for him to like you. Boys likes girls who can cook! If so, then he will undoubtedly like you back. I'm certain! Nonetheless, if you truly like him then you should just tell him. Don't be afraid to do it!" <Maya>

"You say like it's so easy... I'm just not confident..." <Misomi>

"You must be! I mean look at him, he already has two wives. Doesn't that mean he's willing to take in more? He's help you so much already, that could mean that he's trying to get close to you, right?" <Maya>

"Uuu~ Maybe. But why is mother urging me so hard to be with him? Does mother like him also?" <Misomi>

"Of course mother likes him. Definitely not in that way. I'm just thankful to him for saving my life. That's why I want to give my daughter to him as a thanks." <Maya>

Maya laughed teasingly as she said that to Misomi.

"Mother!? How could you! That's-" <Misomi>

"I'm joking~" <Maya>

Maya quickly said it was a joke before Misomi start getting angry.

"Honestly, I just want you to be happy. You've been staying by my side for over 5 years already. I feel like it's time for you to have your own fun. Shin is an adventurer, right? If you're with him, you can go on one as well. He can even protect you." <Maya>

"Mother..." <Misomi>

Misomi felt very touched. She was happy that her mother was thinking about her. Now that her mother is well and she can live comfortably in this mansion in the capital, she can start parting with her mother and find her enjoyment and fun.

"It's not like you don't like him, right?" <Maya>

"No..." <Misomi>

"Then that's enough for you to like him. If your heart says it is, then follow it. Just don't regret anything. I'm speaking from my experience." <Maya>

"..." <Misomi>

Misomi quietly listens to her mother's words, while trying to understanding the feelings in her heart.

"Whatever it is, it's your own life. You decide what you want to do. As your mother, I will always be by your side. If you ever need help or advice, just come and ask me, okay?" <Maya>

"Yes... Thank you, Mother." <Misomi>

"You're welcome, darling. Now then, shall we get back in? Let's start thinking of what to make for dinner. They should be back by then." <Maya>

Maya and Misomi cleared the table. Bringing the cups and utensils back into the mansion.

Later that evening, only Shana and Iris returned. The four had their dinner without Shin.

Misomi who thought that she could find some answers for the feelings in her heart if he saw Shin, wasn't able to.

Author's Notes:
(Just want to say that I'm really thankful to everyone who continues to enjoy and read this novel. If you've been reading this far, that means that yall survived the very first arc, right? I mean when I re-read the beginning of this novel, I came to understand how cringy and 'yucks!' it went. In my opinion, the flow was terrible and a lot of things were exaggerated. It was quite horrible to read. Of course yall should understand that it's my first novel, so it can't be help that it was awfully bad xD in all honesty, much appreciation!)

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