He smiled. His smug smile. "Babe, I can't miss my flight. It's my plane."

And there he goes again to being the egoistic male chauvinist. I just rolled my eyes and waved at him, sending him a flying kiss. "Take care, boss." I told him.

"When you get to Norway, let us know." Harry added.

We both watched Nick turn around and walk away. But before he got into the waiting car, he turned around and sent me a flying kiss. My heart!

"Your room's upstairs. Second room on the left." I heard the evil pig say before he walked away. All the fake sweetness gone.

"Didn't you say you'll show me?" I asked him with a frown.

"And you believed me? Pfft. Stupid." He said, rolling his eyes and drinking his glass of scotch.

How on earth did Tammy get to work for this devil?

And talking about Tammy. I wasn't in the mood to deal with her at all. I know she's going to throw another tantrum when findsout I moved in with Harry.

I wouldn't blame her for that part though. As it is, I'm literally throwing a tantrum in my mind. Harry just knows how to bring our the worst in people. I shake off the thoughts as I make myself around the house, trying to figure out where the hell my room is. I see it after five minutes, given its a complicated condo. If I wasn't so mad at Harry for making me look for my room instead of showing me, I'll have been appreciating it.

In all fairness, the room was beautiful, and very big. It didn't have that womanly aura, yet I already liked it. It felt like it was the masters bedroom. But thats probably because this is Harry's house and maybe he has that weird thing of sleeping in all rooms to make them warm. That thought scares me though. I'll rather have a one room apartment than get a big house, then try sleeping in all the rooms. I look around. Everything is in order. The room even smells like Harry.

Wait, what if this is actually Harry's room?

Don't be silly girl, he said first room on your left.

I thought it was second? Getting confused with my thoughts and not in the mood to argue with my inner girl, and with a pounding headache and slight fever, I get undressed and walk straight to the king sized bed, falling face front in it. I'm too lazy to look for something to wear. Plus sleeping without a bra naked is way comfortable. I was too lazy to get pajamas from my suitcase either way.

Hmm, its a really soft and comfortable bed. Plus it really smells like Harry King . He probably did not change the sheets and comforters after sleeping in here. I ignore the disturbing thought. I tried massaging my aching temples but it did not work. I look around and sigh in relief when I see a fridge. Lucky me, I get a refrigerator in my room. Good. That way, I do not have to go downstairs in the middle of the night to get milk and risk bumping into the asshole.

Reluctantly, I waltz my way to the mini fridge and pull out a bottle of water, drinking half of it before putting the rest back. That should help for the headache. No way I'm taking those damn pills. I waltz my way back to bed and lazily throw myself on it, enjoying the welcoming comfort of the silky sheets. So much for a guest room. Trying to push away any thoughts from my mind, I drift into my beautiful slumber.



What's with that flashing light and that annoying sound? Urghh. That's why I hate sleeping with my alarm on.

Wait. I did not set up my alarm. And certainly, my alarm doesn't making clicking sounds and it definitely doesn't flash lights. Trying not to panick, I slide my hand through the bed. And I certainly do not have silky sheets back at home.

"Beautiful sight to see, really but you've got to wake up. Let's talk. " A man says in a hard voice

Dear Jesus, I hope its not what I think it is. I hope I did not just loose my V-card to some random guy.

"Arianna! Or do you prefer cara?"

And that's when I remember I'm at Harry's. I hurriedly sit up and regret the action as it feels like my head is going to explode. "What the hell Harry? Don't you know how to respect privacy?"

"Privacy? In my own house and room?" He asked as if he could not register the concept.

My eyes grew wide. "Your room?"

"Of course, silly."

Shit. I knew I shouldn't have listened to my inner girl.

"Don't you know directions? I said second room on your left, Ariana. Plus I do not want to sound like I'm bothered, but why the hell are you naked in my bed? Were you masturbating? Or are you trying to seduce me too?"

If my eyes could go any bigger or my face any redder. I remember undressing and being too lazy to go to my suitcase and find anything to wear. So I decided to sleep in just my bra and lace panties. "I-I'm sorry Harry. T-This is all one big honest mistake. "

"Don't be, baby girl. As much as I want to feign anger, I'm very happy. It just made everything easier for me." He smiled while raising his phone and shaking it left and right. "This right here just got your nudes, Ari, one wrong move and they're out. Shit just got real, baby."

I froze. That explains the clicking sounds and flashlight. Jesus Christ! "You must be joking. Please be joking." I said as I felt tears pooling in my eyes .

"Joking? Me? As you can see, I'm not a fuckin clown to crack jokes. I'm as serious as cancer."

" Please Harry! Please delete those photos, please.." I said in tears now. How could he do this to me? How did I let this happen?

He smirked. An evil and very wicked smirk. A tear rolled down my cheek, followed by another. Then another. "I'm begging you Harry. "

"Relax. Wipe away your tears. I give you my word, I'm not going to post them anywhere or send them to anyone especially Nick. You'll just have to be a good girl and make sure you carry out my plans well, or else...." He waved the phone again. "You know the rest of the story. Anyways, I'll leave you to get ready and leave my room, unless you want to sleep in here, which I wouldn't mind. I'll give you some privacy as you required. See you downstairs Ari."

" You know? I'm really happy you found the wrong room." He said and winked.

And with that, he walked away, leaving me speechless, breathless And everythingless.

So much for my first day with Harry.

How could I be so stupid? This job just got worse!


Sorry for the late update. I hope this chapters makes up for it.

Vote if you're eager for the rest of her stay in Harry's place. I'm voting cause I'm really eager🙌😂❤

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