"Hey Ty could you come pick me up?" I spoke to the phone trying to mask the sadness in my voice.
"Are you okay Ari? Where are you? I'm coming to get you." He said anxiously.
"Okay. Thank you." I said giving him the address of The DeMorgane mansion.
"I'll be there in about 10 minutes." He said and hung up a second after. Luckily I had taken a coat with me to keep me warm.
"Leave my house"
I'm so silly..what was I thinking coming here?
And where the hell was Nick when I needed him? It's so embarrassing!This has never happened to me, being kicked out of someone's house! God! I was on the brink of tears but I held it in. Apparently people didn't resident this neighborhood considering how empty and lonely it was.
I turned and looked at the huge mansion and saw Harry stepping out.
Just what I needed.
He looked at me intensely for long minutes and got into the house again.
Thank Goodness. Don't need anyone worsening my mood.
I turned and faced the road waiting for Tyler. Where the hell is he? I'm getting so impatient already. Ughh.
Soon enough, Tyler pulled up and I sighed in relief. I was about getting into the car when at the exact same time , Nick came out of the house. I couldn't help but stare at him as he walked confidently towards me with long strides.
"Where the hell are you going to?" He said as he got closer to me.
"Y-your mom said I-" I started..
"Ari-bear, c'mon, get in." Tyler said from the car. Nick frowned at the nickname and came closer to me.
As soon as he got a glimpse of who was in the car, he smiled sarcastically."Of course, your boyfriend. Why the fuck am I not surprised?" He said angrily.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
" Nothing at all! Go ahead! Have fun Ari-bear! But please, don't pretend to be intimidated by my family just so you can leave."
"Pretending? You think I'm pretending?!" I almost yelled. He's pushing my buttons ..
"I remember asking you if you had any plans and you said no! So what the fuck is that idiot doing in my house?" He said with so much venom.
"Don't call Tyler that!" I said and the guy him self stepped out of the car.
"Ari, lets go. There's no point arguing with this guy." He said indicating he heard all we said.
"Yeah ..run along with Ty-boo! You guys make me fucking sick." He said with anger and I turned away from him and got into the car. I put on my seatbelt and shut my eyes.
"You okay?" Tyler asked me and I just nodded.
" You sure? Do you want us to stop and get you some candy?" He said with a small smile and I smiled back. He always knew how to lighten up my mood. He then took my hand in his and kissed it."I'll always be there for you." He said with much sincerity..
The look he was giving me was an unusual one. Look of longing and .. I couldn't place a finger on it. I smiled at him.
"Thank you. But right now, I need you to focus on the road. I don't wanna die yet.." I told him. And he smiled and drove off.
Thank God it's Friday!
"Hey, why you home so early?" Tammy asked as soon as I stepped into the house. Tyler had to leave as soon as he dropped me off because he was at work when I called him. He obviously insisted on staying longer but I persuaded him to leave.

Romance"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everyth...