Chapter 26

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I missed him.

I miss him so much! It's hard to believe.

Stupid Nick for getting into my head.

Unfortunately, after our date on Friday , we were back in NY on Saturday at 11 after leaving at 2am. I slept the whole plane ride in the room while he got some work done. When he dropped me home, he told me he's actually traveling for a business meeting and will be back Monday morning. I wanted to eat his head off for not letting me go with him but he just laughed and told me to 'relax and have a good weekend.'. He kissed me on my cheek and forehead and left.

And he hasn't freaking called!

And I won't be the one to call him anyway.

Okay, I tried calling him 6 times. Desperate much? It's my job to seduce him. After the 6th, I didn't try anymore.

I spent the Saturday and Sunday with Tyler and Melanie. It was pretty cool despite Mel's sexual comments about any male specimen including Nick.

It was so annoying.

She also made Tyler and I bake 200 cupcakes which was tiring to say the least. I don't know how she managed to get Tyler off work. He's quite busy lately.

"If you're coming , you can be sure he's gonna come too. " She told me when I had asked her. I didn't want to push it or dwell on it so I just let it go. After our baking, we watched a movie and I was so tired, I couldn't wake up for church on Sunday. Instead we played card games, talked about anything and everything and played in the rain.

Yes. We played in the stupid rain.

And now, on Monday.. here I am with a freaking cold and a massive headache.

Nothing serious, really.

To say the least, I got a scolding from Tammy. But I was just sneezing then. Now, it's like I'm in Blazing Sands in Temple Run.

Great analogy missy.

I wore a black  dress to work today and sandals. I was in no mood for heels.

"Hey sweetie, are you okay?" Suzie asked me and gave her a fake smile.

Yeah I feel like I walked through a tornado.

"Good. Just a little cold." I told her going to my office. It was still a little early, I didn't think Nick would be at work. After putting my bag down, I took a sip of my coffee.

It's so cold in here...

"Ariane." I heard a baritone voice and I looked at the six foot man in his dark blue suit standing in front of me. He's already here! I wanted to hug him but my body hurt and I got so mad at him.

He left me and didn't return any of my calls! He didn't even text me.

"N-Nick" I muttered unsure of whether it's because of the cold or because of his effect on me.

Probably both..

"Aren't you going to hug me? I missed you."

"S-so did I." I said coming closer to him.

Weren't you mad at him? Silly girl.

He walked towards me and gave me a hug and pulled away immediately. I looked at him weirdly. Actually my vision was a little blurry.

I think I smell nice. I took a shower today. Why did he pull away?

"Are you okay? You look sick." He asked looking worried and I smiled.

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