This is not supposed to be happening. This isn't how I planned for it to go. Following my confession this morning, I knew it was time to call it quits. Something told me not to come but since Harry ordered me to his house, I decided to break it to him.
I don't care if you send those pictures. I can't keep lying to him. He's an amazing man who's done nothing to me. I just can't. The deal is off. Do your worst.
I had told him and I could see the shock register on his face. After finding out Nick was jealous of the men who have been calling me, it made me so emotional and I loved him even more.
"Do you love him? You fucking love him don't you?! That wasn't the deal! You weren't supposed to fall in love with him." He yelled and I flinched. He was upset but I was scared he would hit me. Tears kept falling down my eyes uncontrollably.
"Why? Why does everyone love him? Why can't you love me princess ? I love you." I saw the plea in his eyes as he held my hands but I pulled away from him. Repulsed by his touch.
He's got no idea what love is. He just loves what Nick loves. He's crazy.
"I-I'm sorry..I can't ..I won't be able to do that anymore....I-I can't. I don't care about your threats anymore. Do your worst." I said turning on my heels to leave but he pulled me back into his arms
"No! No, I love you ,please.." he started before forcing his lips unto mine.
What? Stop!
I tried pushing him off and that's when I felt the door being thrown open and punch thrown in Harry's way so hard, he fell down.
I faced Nick and I knew it was over. No! This can't be happening.
"N-Nick .. p-please let me explain.. please." I started with more tears falling down my face
"Good to see you brother. Welcome to the show! You're gonna fucking love this." Harry started and laughed standing up and all I wanted was to take Nick away so I could explain calmly.
But of course, that didn't happen.
I had a bad feeling about this. I should have trusted my gut!
"Tell him princess. Tell him everything. This isn't how I wanted it to play out but I don't mind it one bit. Go on." Harry said cleaning his lip and I looked at him with disgust.
"What the fuck is hé talking about ?" Nick asked me and my heart beat faster than ever.
"N-Nick please let's g-go home.. I-I'll explain everything to you home..p-please.." I started
"Fine. I'll tell him. Your little girlfriend here is a lying bitch." Harry started and before I knew it, Nick had landed another punch in his face.
"N-Nick! Please.. let's go ..p-please." I screamed , terrified by the fury I saw in his eyes.
"Y-you're such an idiot Nicholas DeMorgane." Coughing more blood. "Just living in a fucking bubble not knowing what's really around you. Idiot. Self centered prick. " He said again laughing.
"What the fuck are you talking about? If you're drunk, that's no excuse for you to kiss my girl!" Nick said and I was getting dizzy.

Romance"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everyth...