Wow.Just wow.
That's all I can say.
Oh and Yay! It's finally my birthday!
But you wanna know the most surprising thing ever ?
Everyone forgot.
Everyone freaking forgot!!
I usually tell all my friends and colleagues way ahead of time about my birthday because I don't like being forgotten and stop reminding them on the date itself. Tammy forgot too!
I woke up all chirpy and took a long bath. I dressed up in a short skirt and thigh high boots with a white shirt. I think I looked good!
I had a long black jacket I was going to wear later. I did slight makeup and brushed my hair,that I had cut yesterday.I walked to the kitchen not smelling the usual cookies Tammy bakes everyday on my birthday.
She was using her phone whilst drinking coffee. She didn't even notice me come in and I looked at her weirdly.
"Morning! How'd you sleep?" I asked her when she finally looked in my direction and she raised her brows.
"Why the hell are you so happy this morning? You're never happy in the mornings. Did you and Nick bone yesterday?"She asked and I blushed so hard and looked at her like she had grown another head.
Did she?
Did she just forget my birthday?
"Anyway! No matter. Guess what? I got promoted at work!" She said coming up to show me the mail sent to her on her phone.
She's kidding me.
This better be a freaking joke.
"Woah, that's great awesome.. but aren't you forgetting something ?"
"I am? Oh yeah!" She said and smiled walking over to the other side of the kitchen.
"Here, I borrowed your charger last night. My old one doesn't work on my new phone any more." She said giving me my charger and I stood staring at her like a fish with my mouth wide open.
When did she even get a new iPhone ?
"Okay Tammy. Quit with the jokes now.. you can't possibly forget my birthday.." I told her seriously and she rolled her eyes.
"Duh Ari.. how could I forget? I'm saving money so we can go celebrate your birthday that's next week." She said drinking her coffee again.
Next week?
She thinks my birthday is next week?
She really forgot!
I frowned and decided not to ruin my day because of Tammy.
But she's my freaking sister !
I walked out of the kitchen and was about to leave the house when she called.
Maybe she's remembered finally!
"I'll be home a little later today .. so can you please make dinner?"
What the...
I just walked out the house and took a cab to walk. But I decided not to get upset and smile the whole day. I'll deal with Tammy later.
I walked into work about 10 minutes late and greeted Tasha and Suzie and they didn't say anything about my birthday except that I looked extra cute today. I just smiled and walked to my office knowing at least Nick would wish me a happy birthday.

Romance"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everyth...