Chapter 13

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A loud sound woke me up from my amazing sleep.
Nick was about to kiss me and I was intensely waiting for it. I was ready to kiss him back with everything in me.

Oh my God! I'm going crazy. Did I just dream of Nick? This shouldn't be happening.

Who could be calling me so early? Everyone knows not to mess with my sleep! I'm literally a sleeping princess.

I picked up my phone grudgingly and snapped immediately.

" What?" I asked as soon as I answered.

" Well aren't you a ball of sunshine darling?" The voice on the other line spoke. I could recognize the voice of that monster anywhere. I immediately stilled.

" M-Mr K-king?" I said my voice laced with fear . He honestly scared me. I couldn't help it.

" Of course darling. Were you expecting someone else?" He asked.

" N-no, just that it's's 6am in the morning and I didn't.." he immediately cut me off

" Whatever. Let's just get to the reason why I called. Didn't you think it was important to tell me you were leaving for Italy with that asshole?" He said in a calm but angry tone.

" I-It was v-very sudden. I d-didn't k.." he interrupted me. Again.

Very Rude.

" Can you stop stuttering? What's wrong with you?" He thundered and I became afraid again. I couldn't even speak. Why was he so mean?

" Do I scare you?" He asked again calmly and I nodded my head like he could see me. I really wanted to cry right now. Call me a baby but I don't care.

" Answer me Arianna." He said sternly

" Y-yes." I whispered.

" Does Nick scare you?" He asked after a while of silence. I replied almost immediately . Nick doesn't scare me. He's sweet and amazing. Well, except when he's angry but I've gotten used to that. I don't think he'd ever hurt me.

" No."
I heard something break and he muttered a curse under his breath.

" A-Are you okay Mr King?" I asked and all I heard was harsh breathing.

" I'm- I have to go Arianna. The next time you have to leave, make sure I'm notified and you answer your phone . I don't want to waste my time coming to your house because you can't answer your goddamn cellphone!" He roared.

He went to my house? I hope Tammy didn't see him. I hope he didn't say anything to her. Oh my God!

" And no. I didn't tell your stupid sister anything. I found out about your whereabouts by myself. You're running out of time missy. Do something fast. I'm losing my patience here." He said and hung up.

I felt tears rolling down my cheek and I wiped them off quickly. I won't let him ruin my day. He can't. I took a shower and decided to call Melanie for my daily updates about Tammy before breakfast.

" Hey Girl! What's up? How's Italy with Mr. Hot shot?" She asked once she picked up.

Why she so happy so early in the morning? Oh I forgot. She's a morning person.

" It's amazing Mel! Oh my God you need to see the places we went yesterday! They were so beautiful. And he was so sweet. You know he took me on his bike ? It was so cool. We took so many pictures..."

" Oh my God I'm jealous already. Enough enough . I get it. You have the hots for him whatever.." she said rolling her with a small smile on her lips.

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