Hi everyone!
I would like to thank you all for reading and liking and supporting this book, means a whole lot.
I hope everyone is doing okay and safe and healthy.
I recently found a copy of this book on here😒 copied word for word, bar for bar and its without my permission so I would greatly appreciate if you could go report it for me.
I spent truckloads of time writing and trying to perfect this book and to have someone just copy it is so disrespectful and annoying.
Please please help report it. I also filed a copyright with wattpad so hopefully something happens.
Here's the link
It's called "The Seductress" and it's by @xpermittedx (xpermittedx) 🙄
I know some of you guys want another story or Nathan's story but I'm still thinking about it. I had initially planned on giving you guys an alternate ending but decided to just let it go. Sorry to disappoint though🥹
Anyway I greatly appreciate and I'm forever grateful!❤️❤️❤️

Romance"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everyth...