Chapter 24

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The Annual Ball.

Yep, that means I didn't catch a freaking break that whole week. Well I didn't want to, I wanted it to be perfect.

To impress him.

" Did you get the fruit cakes? What about the Iced tea? And the..." I asked the other employees when Cedric suddenly put his arms on my shoulders.

" Hey chill chill. You're going all psycho mode. Can you catch a break?" He said massaging my shoulders and I smiled at him.

"That's nice Cedric but I really need to get back to work, there's so much work to do before ..."

"What are you doing?" I heard a deep baritone voice behind me saying interrupting my line of speech.

If one more person interrupts me today, I'll lose it.

"Boss, I was just-"

"About to lose your job if you don't leave now." Nick finished for him and Cedric nodded taking his hands off my shoulders..

"Take a chill pill alright Ari?" He said leaving.

" Come with me." Nick said, holding a cup of coffee..

Coffee would be good now.. yeah, it'd be great.

I thought to myself..

"I can't , I'm busy.. there's a lot more to do."

" Come with me for 5 minutes Ariane." He said and held my hand pulling me to his office. And I just let him. I was honestly exhausted. We got into his office and he placed me on his couch and took a seat by me.

"Drink" He said feeding me the coffee cup that he was holding.

The coffee was for me? How sweet!

I took a sip and moaned ! It was so long since I'd tasted

"As much as I hate to admit it, that idiot had a point. You need to chill,alright? Everything's almost done and it's good"

"Good? It has to be perfect! Do you have any idea the important people that are gonna be there? There's going to be Steve-"

"Shut up." He interrupted me again and I was about to lose my mind!
I counted from 1-10 in my head and looked at him again .

"Excuse me?" I asked slowly staring at the smiling idiot.

"If you don't take a 2 hour break right now, I'll lock you in this office for the rest of the day. And here ," he said bringing the food that was on his desk and handing it to me.

"Eat. You look you haven't had a good meal in days." He said and I opened it to reveal a chicken salad and my mouth watered. God, how hungry was i?

"Thanks." I told him with a small smile.

"Anytime. And you're doing a great job out there. Kind of a control freak aren't ya?" He mentioned with a smirk and I rolled my eyes eating. I ate in silence and I realized he was just watching me and was about to speak when he got a phone call. He walked over to his desk and answered the his cellphone irritatingly.

"What?" He said "Yeah, I'm listening..."No, my conditions for the deal remain, tell your boss..." "I'm not changing my goddamn mind!".." I'm not having this conversation anymore asshole. Bye " He said and hung up. He looked up and noticed me staring at him and I didn't turn away.


"Nothing. I-I j-just.."

"Yeah?..." He prodded encouraging me to continue speaking.

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