"Did your mum have a fat ass?" Nick asked me casually as we walked towards the office after lunch. He had his hands on the small on my back that I'm sure were dying to go down to my butt as usual. His question surprised me.
"What?" I asked him laughing and looking at him. He had a smile on his face as he gestured to my butt. "Just asking...genes and all that, you know?"
"I have no idea Nick. Maybe she did.." I said laughing as we got into our office and he finally squeezed it.
I'm sure he was dying to do that. Not that I minded.
"Well..I need to thank her for yours. It's so soft and huge and spankable..I think it's even getting bigger.." he whispered in my ear and I shivered.
"Nick.. this isn't the place for this.." I told him looking up into his bright brown eyes. I can see how happy he looks this morning.
"Worry not beautiful. Why don't you get my coffee? You're still my PA after all. Just because I give you mind blowing orgasms doesn't mean you have to be slacking at work .." he said and I blushed and put my chin up.
"Who said they were mind blowing ? But I guess you're right. I'll get your coffee now Sir." I said and left the office before he could hold me and ask me take what I said back or prove his point. I was definitely lying though.
I bumped into Tasha and she was laughing at something on her phone. "Hey. What's so funny?" I asked , curious as always.
"I just saw this thing on Twitter. You have to tell your boyfriend that you'd like to see other men and then post his reaction. Yo.. guys are mad mad Ari. Too bad I'm single like a Pringle !" She said and slumped her face and I scrunched my brows.
"What about Cedric? I thought you two had something ?" I asked her remembering how she told me they had been seeing each other the last few weeks.
" Ughh.. it was just a little crush and I've gotten over it. Maybe that's the problem with me— my short attention span. What do you think?"
" I don't think you have a problem Tash. Just haven't found the right guy."
"You're right. I want to find my own Nick." She said and I looked at her with a blush on my cheeks.
"Everyone knows you two are dating.. it was quite obvious from that little scene from your birthday during the weekend. That was so sexy! And so romantic.. oh my gosh !!" She said fan girling and I rolled my eyes.
"Well he's still my boss. And I have to go get him coffee if I don't want to lose my job , so I'll see you later Tasha.."
"Sure! But you owe me details ! All of it." She said as we walked away in opposite directions. I got to the coffee maker and made his coffee. On my way back to the office , I couldn't help but recall everything that happened yesterday. It was very much to take in. I couldn't understand some few things. I plan on confronting Harry after work. I shook the idea off and remembered what Tasha told me and decided to play a little game on Nick.
He'd be so furious. I smiled to myself.
I walked into our office and placed the coffee on his table. He was on the phone with I'm guessing one of our clients. I winked at him and walked out knowing he was of course looking at my butt. My green turtle neck dress hugged my body tightly.
Most especially, covered my hickeys. And I had a truckload of them.
I went to my desk and took out some candy and ate while scrolling through my phone. After a while of waiting for him to hang up, I decided to start my little game. I texted him.

Romance"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everyth...