"What???" Camilla yelled and Harry rolled his eyes.
"That was not the plan Harry! You said you would just scare her and then we'd be on our way out of here. You can't do this to me! I love you."
"Did you fucking believe me?Of course I don't love you!But thanks for all the help Cami."he said sardonically and she stormed off.
"So what's it gonna be?" He asked me and I smiled at him sarcastically.
"Kill me. I'd rather burn in fucking hell before marrying you." I spat and I saw his face conjure into anger.
"I know you're catholic so my men will be coming with a priest. Funny you were fornicating this whole time. But I bet God will forgive you. Just like I will , concerning that comment." He told me and I tried to untie myself again. Piece of shit. This can't be happening. This is a dream. I kept telling myself.
"Kill me." I heard Tamara say and my eyes widened. Harry was shocked as well.
"What the hell are you saying ?"I asked her and she looked at Harry straight in the eyes.
"Kill me and let her go. This mess started all because of me. I let myself fall in love you and dragged my sister into this. Kill me and let her go." She said and gave me a look asking me to shut up.
"No no. No one has to die. Please.." I took a deep breath. "Let's just talk about this. Untie me please." I looked at my surroundings and it was so empty. No where I could run to. He reached behind me and started untying me and kissing my neck. I tried evading him but he held me still.
"I'm only untying you because you can't run princess. Don't think I'm stupid. There's no where to go. We are in the middle of nowhere." He whispered into my ears and I was repulsed. I felt relieved when the ropes were removed from my hands.
"I'm giving you an hour to think about your option. Don't take too long princess." He announces and kisses my cheek. He then goes upstairs to God knows where.I scrub it off with my cheek and go to where Tammy is sitting. I help her take off her ropes and she rubs her hands. There were guards staring at us the whole time and I realized I still had my Apple Watch under my huge jacket.
"Can you leave? We clearly can't go anywhere so stop watching us like hawks!" I yelled and they looked at each other and took a few steps back.
"Go away!!" I yelled and they left us alone although they were still watching us from a distance.
"Okay. I'm going to get us out of here but I need you to cover me while I call Nick. I'll pretend to hug you and try calling him okay?" I told her trying not to panic. She nodded and I hugged her facing the direction with no guards. I tried and I discretely called Nick. Please pick! Please pick! I reduced the volume so it wouldn't be so loud when if he picks up.
"Cara! Where are you??" I heard him speak lowly and I sighed in relief. The tears that I was holding in threatened to come out.
"I-I don't know..Harry's got us. He said we're in the middle of nowhere! He wants to kill Tammy! Please come save us." I cried and heard shuffling in the background.
"Stay with me baby. I've got you. I'm tracking your watch right now. I'll be right there!"
"Hey! What are you doing?" One of the men yelled and shook in fear. I put down my sleeve and looked up at him. He was staring at us suspiciously. He was the only one there and I wondered where the others went.
"Mind your fucking business fat pig." Tamara hissed and he held her throat and picked her up with one hand. My eyes widened in fear and I yelled. "Put her down!" She was choking and then I saw her stab him in the stomach. He let go of her as he fell to the ground unconscious.

Romance"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everyth...