Chapter 38

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"I thought you said we were going to your house." I asked Nick once we had reached a condo. We were in the elevator after the long and tense ride. All I wanted to do was kiss him. I think I'm getting addicted.

"We're in my penthouse baby.. no one knows this place so there's more privacy here.."

" the way, thank you for dress. It's beautiful.." I told him smiling and trying not to look at his pink lips.

"For nothing cara." He said as the elevator opened and we got into his massive penthouse.

"I know I should be used to this but you never fail to surprise me with your luxuries."

"It's all vanity Ariane. The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury.." he said and I smiled sweetly at him and kissed him deeply. Gosh he was so sweet.

"You're my idea of luxury too.." I said when we pulled away.

"Share a drink with me?" He said and walked us to the bar and poured us a glass of wine.

I took it and I could feel the shivers down my spine when our fingers touched. We clinked our glasses together and each took a sip.

I have no idea about wine but this was really good. I finished my glass quickly. "That's so good. Can I have more?" I asked and he smiled at me and refilled my glass. I drank again and he smirked at me.

" Slowly slowly Baby. Don't choke." He said when I almost downed all the contents of my glass in a gulp whispering extremely close to my ear.. my eyes widened at his deep husky tone Causing  neurons to shoot all over my body.

I felt his hard body pressed over me and I  couldn't think properly anymore. Maybe it was the wine. Or maybe it was just hormones. I have no idea.

I felt him pushing my hair to the side and kissing my neck. I want to jump his bones.


Then I felt a cold metal on my neck. I looked down and saw a gold necklace that read 'Tesoro'. I turned around and faced him with a The wine glass still in my hand and a huge smile.

"I hope you like it. I wanted to get you shares in Kit Kat since you like it so much but Tamara advised me against it .. and I wanted the necklace to say 'mine' but it's too short and I don't want you to think you're some object or —" I cut him off by kissing him deeply.

"I love it. Thank you so much. I don't deserve all this..y-you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I told him wholeheartedly and he pulled me close by my waist causing the wine to spill on my chest down to my white dress. I didn't care. He took the glass out of my hand and placed it on the bar.

"It looks so beautiful on you. It means 'darling' in Italian"

"I know.. you've called me that before and I looked it up..." I said smiling at his brown eyes. He looked at me and kissed me softly and I shoved my hand through his hair and kissed him back. His kiss soon became demanding but gentle, hard but soft. Confusing and shooting all reasoning out of my brain. I don't know how it happened but we ended up on the couch on a full on make out session with his jacket off.

"We..we should stop.." he said biting my ear softly.

"W-why? I don't want to.." I was drunk on his kisses. Or maybe on him.

"Because I want you so much..and I -I might not be able to control myself any further.."

"I -I want you too ..Don't control yourself anymore..." I whispered and kissed his neck.

He looked up at me intently and I was lost in his brown eyes..

"Are you sure about this baby? No pressure. Because if I start.. I might not be able to stop cara.."

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