Chapter 28

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Day 1 with the King.

My suitcases(the clothes Nick bought for me and I was forced to accept) were rolled into Harry's penthouse. It was cute and cosy. Like a bachelor pad. But that's not the point. To be honest, I was even more sick just with the thought of living with Harry.

Just how on earth can Nick be so dumb to let me stay with his friend?

You told him you're cousins, silly girl. Deal with the lie!

But still...urghhh. And that stupid smug smile on Harry's lips. "Welcome home, Ari. It's been long since you came here. And now, you show up when you're sick, poor thing." He said, clearly showing fake empathy even though Nick did not notice it.

I simply rolled my eyes.

"Thanks so much, bro. I know Ariane's gon' be safe with you. And please, don't fall for her childish tantrums. Ensure she takes her medicine all the time and that she rest well. No work for her and...." Nick who was going through his ever so ready sermon was interrupted.

"Chill man, I got this. What am I? Five? I can handle Ariana 's tantrum. I've been handling it ever since she was a baby. It's no big deal for me. Now what you need to do is fly your ass to Norway and bring us back some money. Yeah?" Harry said as if he was really a loving older brother. If he weren't acting all of this up, I'll have fallen for his big brother charm. But the devil just didn't care about his friend. How wicked.

How wicked? You're judging him when you're doing even worse by actually following his orders? Just you wait until Nick figures this out, you'll become melt candy.

The thought worried me a lot. Actually, I'd been worried about Nick 's reaction for a very long time. The guy was just too good to be treated with so much scorn. But at this point, there's nothing I can do.

Shut up silly, there is something you can do.


Tell him the truth!

Nah! I'll pass.

"Are you okay Ari? You zoned out quite a bit." Nick said, looking at me with so much adoration and concern. "You know what, maybe I should just cancel this trip. "

I hurriedly shook my head in denial but regretted the action as it felt as if I my head was going to explode. Ouch. "No need, caro, I'll be fine. You just promise to come back to me in one piece." I told him, meaning very single word.

He kissed my forehead, his lips lingering there for quite some time. "I will, cara, I definitely will. You be a good girl and don't give Harry a hard time, okay? I'll be back before you know it." Nick said as if I was some toddler. For crying out loud, I'm 22. But in fairness, I enjoy it when he treats me like I'm a baby. A girl needs some tender loving care once in a while. He then turned to Harry. "Treat her right, got it? "

Harry chuckled. "Get out, already. Ari, let me show you to your room, huh?" He asked me with a sweet smile.


Devilish smile.

Not in the mood to delay Nick's flight, I turn around and wrap my arms around him, inhaling that manly and sweet smell that only him seem to possess and enjoying his buff muscles. I could remain like this forever. The feeling was even better when he wrapped his arms around me too, pulling me closer, if that was even possible. He kissed my hair.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, cara mia. So so much. Get well soon." He whispered to me. "I'll be back in three days."

I rested my head in his chest. "I'm gonna miss you too, caro. I'm already impatient for you to come back. Get going now. I don't want you to miss your flight." I told him, reluctantly pulling away.

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