"Have you been ignoring me?" Tyler asked on the other line.
"No! Of course not, why would you think that Ty?"
"You haven't been answering my calls. And it's been a week. Is there something you're upset about ?" He asked calmly and I felt so guilty for not calling him since last week. Actually I did try the call him but I knew Nick would have a fit so I just sent him a message. I'd been avoiding his calls since then.
"I'm so sorry, I was quite sick and my phone broke , I just got a new one. I should have called you.."
"Yeah ,you should. I was worried sick. And Tammy isn't picking any of my calls either. Is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's good.. uh, we're not on speaking terms right now.."
"Oh. Wanna tell me what happened?"
"I'd rather not, If you don't mind.."
"No problem. So how have you been? When am I gonna see you again?" I heard the enthusiasm in his tone. I wanted to see him too but I don't want Nick knowing.
"Uhh, I'll call you so we can meet up okay? How have you been? How's the business?" I asked eagerly.
"It's great. You should come to the vineyard, I'll make wine just for you .."
"Really? I'm coming then!" I told him before I heard someone walk into the kitchen. Harry was dressed in a shirt and cargo pants. I asked him why he never went to work and he said he wanted to spend time with me. Strange right? And he also said ,sometimes he likes working from home. It was awkward hearing that from him but I just smiled.
What Jasmine said about a picture kept creeping into my mind. I wanted to find out what he was hiding and I was determined to do so. When he's in his office later this evening, I'll sneak up and see for myself . Hopefully he doesn't catch me!
"Who's that?" He asked again and I realized I had zoomed out thinking about my plan.
"Uh, it's my friend, Tyler.."
"Hmm. The one who got you sick ?" He asked with his brows furrowed. I rolled my eyes
"He didn't get me sick, he just happened to be present when I got sick."
"Ari? You there ? I've been talking for a whole minute!" I heard Ty on the other line.
"I'm sorry! Gosh Ty, this is bad timing. Would you mind me calling you later?"
"Really Ari? The minute I'm able to talk to you.. you have to hang up. What's keeping you busy?" I could feel his irritation.
"It's just work, I promise I'll call you. I gotta go! Byeee" I said hanging up. I put the phone in my back pocket and looked at Harry.
"I can tell why that asshole doesn't like him.." I heard him mutter putting his hands in his pockets.
"Aren't you tired of staying home? We can go somewhere if you want, you're no longer sick right?"
Home? His house, my home? Is he dreaming?
"No no!" I said too quickly and he raised his brows. "I'm good but I'd rather not go out. Its alright if you wanna go out though."
"Are you sure? Because we could do something here too. It's nothing important.." It was already past 4pm and I had breakfast later than him because he woke up extra early because of a call. After that, he went to his office for another business meeting while I stayed in the kitchen catching up with my friends.

Romance"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everyth...