Last night was the worst night ever!
Oh my God.
Everything was going on so smoothly but guess what? That bitch had to show up!
Alyssa! Alyssa bitch! Bitch Alyssa! Alysbitch! Bitchlyss!
Just when we couldn't find Mel and Harry , Nick decided to drive me home since it was getting late. We had such a good time and he was really nice and spoke to me in a non-professional way. Like we had been friends forever.
We were just about stepping out of the club when Alyssa (the bitch) got in and kissed him right in front of me.
And guess what? The idiot kissed her back!
It was like a replay of everything that happened that day in his office but much worse.
It hurt. I didn't want to admit but I was seething with jealousy.
I cleared my throat and he looked at me apologetically.
"You." She said looking at me the same way she did the last time and of course, I did the same thing.
"Uh.." He trailed off and I understood completely that she was his priority and obviously not me.
" Goodnight Mr. DeMorgane." I said mockingly trying to hide my anger and hurt.
I walked out of the club with his jacket still on me and called an Uber.
"Ariane wait!" I heard him call from behind me but I was fast enough and got away from him.
I turned around and saw how Alyssa had a look of annoyance on her face. She pulled him and wrapped her arms around his neck and dragged him back into the club.
Ughh! I hate this!!!
My Uber came soon after and I quickly got in and took off .
And to think I have to face him this morning.
I did my usual routine and left food for Tammy and took off for work. Luckily I didn't have a hangover but I had a mild headache and I wasn't ready for anything today.
I was in a sour mood the whole morning and Tasha seemed to notice but tried not to question it.
It was like I was on my period.
I got into my office and sat down trying to sort out everything I had to do for today.
I started mailing and drafting documents till I heard my door open.
"Can't you knock?" I said still looking at my computer before lifting my head .
Great! The jerk of the year!
Did I also mention he looked strikingly handsome? My breath hitched a little.
I'm probably gonna hear the scolding of the year.. "I'm still your boss.." "watch your mouth.." "..don't defy me.." , "how dare you talk to me like that.." bla bla bla.
Well today, I don't care.
And apparently he didn't either. That actually shocked me. He just took a seat on one of the chairs and folded his arms.
My office looked too small for his tall and huge self. And his gaze was so intimidating unlike the one yesterday that was soft and charming . He looked very handsome in his expensive suit.

Romance"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everyth...