Chapter 30

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Another update in favour of the birthday girl😏❤. We love you Chelsea...


The next day I woke up feeling a little better. I didn't have a pounding headache but my body still hurt a little. Nothing too serious. I remembered I hadn't called Mel or Tyler. And not even Tammy. I'll call them when Harry gets me a new phone.


I got up and brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I picked out a cute blue skirt with a matching top and went downstairs. Hopefully I can grab breakfast before he wakes up.

On going down the stairs I heard someone curse and I could smell something burning. I walked closer to see Harry in just a white tank top and boxers.

I would swoon if it was Nick.. no doubt.

But still, that is one fine piece of ass which I'm sadly not interested in..

He was trying to turn off the fire on the cooker. He looked pissed and his ears were red.

As if sensing my presence, he turned and faced me with a blush on his cheeks. He looked at my attire and then looked away uncomfortably.

"Uhhh.. I'll just ask the help to come clean this mess.." He said dismissively, his face getting stony again.

"That's fine, I'll do it myself." I told him walking closer to the cooker. He held my arm and looked at me with his lips in a thin line.

"I've warned you about this stubborn attitude of yours. There are maids here. I pay them to do the work. You're not a maid Ari. You're my guest." He said looking at me intently. His gaze dropped to my lips and I gulped. "I think I have an idea on what to do when next you disobey  me."

This would have been one of those cheesy moments in telenovelas or romance books since he was implying  he was going to kiss me. But ewww. No way. He's so full of himself, evil and I hate him. And we're  supposed  to be cousins.

I simply pull away. "What were you trying to make before you made such a mess?" I ask as I look around. There's  pancake batter and flour everywhere. There's strawberry  favouring too. And I smell toast.  Burnt toast actually.  He must be a really poor cook. "No need to answer  anymore."

He chuckled. "I wanted to make some strawberry  flavoured  pancakes. You know, as a thank you for my kiss last night." He said as he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked away. Wrong move, because the next thing I know is I'm pinned to the refrigerator. "Don't you ever fucking  roll your eyes at me, get that?" He said in a low tone.

He was so cold, it scared me. How the hell did he leave from being nice to being a jerk in just five seconds?

"Get that? Arianna?" His voice was so low and dangerous.

I  nodded.

He pulled away and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry  for scaring you like that. I just hate being looked down on."

"Harry, rolling my eyes at you doesn't mean I'm looking down on you. It just means....well, you means what you said didn't  sit right in my mind." I tried to explain to him. "Uhh...the toast is burning."

He stared at me again. "Yeah...I'll check that out. Just go sit and wait for the maids to bring your breakfast. You still have to take your meds."

I groaned. I hate those damn disgusting  pills. He noticed my annoyance  and laughed. "Sorry cara, you've got to take them."

I groaned  again. Not because of the fact that he mentioned me taking the pills, but because he called me cara. Can't  he get it, that name is reserved only for Nick. But knowing Harry's awful mood swing, and the fact that I still have to delete those pictures, I let my anger  slide and ignore it. "Okay Mr. King."

This time, it was his turn to groan. "Fuck, Ari, you should always call me that. It sounds so good coming from you."

Wait, is Harry  seducing me? Or am I seducing him? Or what the hell are we doing? It's so confusing. One minute he's  acting like a creep, then the next one...I don't even know.

To avoid any awkward situation, I just nod and walk to his sitting room and make  myself comfortable  on the one seater sofa, turning on the t.v. Surprisingly, I'm  in no mood for a movie, I want to watch the daily news. Well guess what, its my lucky day as the t.v.  reporter is talking  about the best companies in the town. And of course, DeeMorganes International  Corporation  is among the top five. I notice Harry's  company falls right after Nick's own. Well both are really successful.  Both my Nick and  Harry are so successful  at a young age. But with all  the wealth Harry has, why is he so jealous of Nick? I'm pulled out of my thoughts  as Harry roughly  seizes the remote control from my hands and turns off the t.v.

"I've warned you already that I do not want to hear anything  about Nick  in my house. Are you testing  my patience, Arianna Rodstein? I can destroy  your whole fucking being in the snap of my finger." He growls angrily.

I stand up and move away from him, posses as well. "I wasn't talking about Nick in your house. You should get angry at the t.v. reporter, not me. Or am I not allowed to watch the news again? What's up with you Harry?  Whycare you being unnecessarily rude and mean to me? What did I do to you." I cry out in frustration.

He runs his fingers through  his hair. I notice  he always do that when he realizes  he is on the wrong. "I'm sorry Ari, I don't know what's  happening.  What has come over me. But I really want us to be friends. We can be friends, right?" He ask as if he is afraid of my answer.

Never ever. We can never be friends.

"Sure Harry.  But you have to stop getting angry at me all the time. Get a grip of yourself." I tell him calmly. I just have to act cool if I ever need to delete those pictures.

He smiles. "Thanks cara. I'm happy now."

I frown. What is it with him calling me cara? "One more thing. Promise you won't get mad."

"Anything for you. I promise."

"Please stop calling me cara. Call me anyother thing, not that." I look up at him and see him frowning  too. "You promised, Harry."

He let out a deep breath. "Fine. I'll think of something. Let's go eat now. You still have to take your meds." He laughed at my expression after he reminded  me about the medicine. "If it's going to make you feel better, we can go out after, or we can just make barbecue at the back. Does chicken sound good to you?"

My eyes widened in excitement. "Yayyy. You're  not so bad. We can definitely  get along. And of course, chicken sounds great."

He laughed at my childish outburst and I smiled. Maybe we can be friends and then I'll talk him into striking off the deal we had.



I tried calling Ariane again but it said her phone was switched off. She had said she'll call me later but no call came. And since then, her phone has been turned off. I even tried calling Harry but his phone was turned off as well. What the hell is happening. What if they're  both in trouble? What if Ariane's fever became worse and I do not know. My goodness. I knew I shouldn't have accepted this business proposal in the first place.

So now you're  choosing a girl over business?

I try hard not to think about the fact that I'm choosing Ari over work. I haven't  done that in  a long time. But Ariane just has a way.  There's something about her. I can't  even do something  without think about her.  She's  got that effect. And now, not hearing from her for over 24 hours is killing me. Maybe I should just strike off this business and go back home. Go back to my cara.

Pay her a surprise  visit.


I know  it's a really short chapter but that's two updates in a roll...cut me some slack😂😂 and say thank you.

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