Chapter 30

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Kodie's POV

As I sat on the ground sobbing silently and allowing the tears to run down my cheeks and into my hands, a lovely voice filled the white room around me. I lifted my head up to look around the room that I thought was empty, but I now saw that there was another person here with me. This person was a woman, and she stood in the room near me. She wore a long white gown that seemed to be made of silk and it was flowing all over the place. She had long white hair with light beach waves in it, and striking through it were her bright golden eyes. There was no mistaking those eyes for yellow, they were indeed gold. This woman was gorgeous, and she was the first to break the silence as she gave me a soft, friendly smile from her plump and light pink lips.

"My dear child, there is no need to cry." She spoke, her voice as smooth as honey. . . gold honey. I could see affection in her eyes as she watched me and waited for my answer. She spoke to me as if she knew me, but I don't know her, at least if I did I don't remember her, nor this place. "You are safe here, all words are welcome here, and any child of mine is certainly welcome too! No matter what they are." She continued to speak, her voice getting sweeter and louder as she opened her arms a bit to enhance her words. The white silk dress she wore gave her the look of a bird when she put her arms out. But what really struck me was that when she said 'No matter what they are.' She winked at me! How on earth... What did she mean by that? Was it true that my dad cheated on mom and left her because of that?

I guessed I would have to only find out. "Your child?" I sniffled out through a sore throat from crying, when I had coughed a bit I continued speaking. Grateful The Woman had been respectful to allow me to finish before using her smooth gold honey voice to continue to confused me. "I am the daughter of  Alpha Karter and Luna Gaiden of BloodMoon pack. I do not know you or why you call me your child." I was now eyeing this lady up, not like I had already done it before but I was looking to see if we had anything in common.

I couldn't see the frame of her body because of her dress, but her hair and eyes showed no similarity to mine. I had dark red straight hair and dark green eyes. Alex used to say they reminded him of the forest and it's trees. This lady had pale white wavy hair and bright gold eyes. That's nothing in common! Though when I looked past those facts I checked out her face structure, she had a thin face with a thin nose, her chin was smooth and her jawline sharp. Ahh Moon Goddess, she was really, really gorgeous, and maybe a bit crazy. I had a thin face too, but my nose was like a button, my chin was also smooth, and I had no clue if my jawline is ever going to be like that. I mean I am only 7.

As I thought about my age and what I might actually grow up to look like, I realized my birthday was soon and that I'll be 8 then. I had also realized that I might grow up to have almost the same face structure as The Woman before me. Perhaps I inherited recessive genes or something. But now that I thought about it, she said all my children, so do I have a big family on her side? Or is The Woman just crazy?

I listened to The Woman giggle out at my words and she sent me a bright smile, which exposed her pearly white teeth. "Oh you silly girl, Karter and Gaiden are my children too!" She spoke in her smooth voice once again, as I raised my eyebrow at her words. Yep, it is confirmed, The Woman is crazy! But that would explain the white hair, she would be a grandparent to me, and sometimes grandparents call their grand babies 'child', but not their child. I was even more confused than before, and I didn't know if it'd ever be cleared up. I guess by my face she knew I was confused and she simply sighed, but she continued to smile. "Oh child, so much to teach and tell you, in such little time."

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