Chapter 17

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Alex's POV

Mom's eyes seemed to go a bit wide, which showed the full extent of how much she had been crying. She blinked a few times, like she was trying to get her mind straight, before she finally answered me after what seemed like forever. 

"Well Alex, a mate bond is when two werewolves are destined to be together. The Moon Goddess herself chooses them. You'll have a mate and you will love them with all your heart, even only after seconds of laying eyes on them. You will think they are perfect in anyway, and it's the same from them. After you complete the bond you will feel what they are feeling and so much more!" She smiled lightly at me and I returned it. 

Then I asked her, "How do I know who my mate is?" I raised a questioning brow. It would seem like it would take me forever to find my Mate. "Would I have to travel from pack to pack asking for the name of mate lists?" That all seems super confusing, but when I looked back at Mom she had a big grin on her face. 

"Oh trust me, Honey. You'll know who your mate is when the time comes. And that's usually on or after your 18th birthday." She chuckled a bit and then her eyes glazed over, making her face go firm. I knew she was getting a kind link from someone, and that could've been anyone being she was Luna. I waited patiently for her to come back to reality, by playing with my fingers. Folding my hands together and rubbing circles onto my left pointer finger with my right thumb. 

A few minutes later Mom came back and she looked at me with big brown eyes. Almost the size of baseballs! Her wide eyes and grim face fell into a sad expression. She put her hand on my shoulder and smiled sadly at me. "I need to go, I've got some things to do." Her free hand seemed to go for her chest like it hurt or something. I just watched her and nodded.

"Alright Mom, just be careful. No more crying!" I pointed at her and gave her my most stern look, which seemed to get her to brighten up a bit. She leaned in and gave my forehead a kiss, then let go of me entirely and walked away to my bedroom door. I called to her right before she disappeared from my sight. "I love you Mom!!"

A few moments after she was gone I looked at Kodie and smiled at her soft face. "She was cute when she slept, and when she was awake to." I thought about it for a moment then something hit me. 

"What if Kodie's my Mate?!" It was the kind of question you said out loud and didn't except someone to answer but someone does. Hence the remark from Zyan. 

"Now Alex, Kodie can't be your mate. She is your little sister, you just love her very much and think highly of her." Zyan spoke lightly in my head, seemingly holding back a little bit of laughter. 

I was speechless. "Then how I am going to find my mate?! Or know when I find them?!" I was completely confused. If I could think highly of someone who isn't to be my mate, how could I know to think highly of someone who is my mate, and know they are. 

Zyan replied with a calm voice that held a soft smirk. "Don't worry, Alex. I'll help you know when we've found our mates. The time will come, but not now." I nodded a bit. That's been the answer from everybody lately. I turned in my bed and laid down next to Kodie. Watching her chest rise and fall with each small shallow breath she took, my eyes closed. Embracing the darkness and the well needed rest.

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