Chapter 36

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Kodie's P.O.V. (Been a while huh?)

I was laying down on something that was hard and cold. My back hurt along with my neck. I blink my eyes open, to relieve myself of the darkness behind them, but only to find out that I'm met with darkness around me too. I sit up from my laying position and put a hand to my neck. I rub on it a bit and try to look around and see where I am. There is a soft orange glow of a light, but it seems far away. I sigh a bit and push myself up from the hard ground. I stand and begin to make my way to the light, or so I thought I was. Until I face plant into something and hit my head. The collision had bumped me back to the hard, cold floor on my butt. I put my hand to my head now, as that throbbed. I realized I had ran into some glass, more like a thick wall of glass. 

I got back up and went back to the glass, with my hand on it, I began to walk next to it. Trying to find a way out. As I was doing so, the lights to where I was turned on. My hand went back to my face to go over my eyes as I felt blinded. 

I blinked my eyes a bunch once again to get used to the light when a voice started up. I didn't recognize this voice at all, though it sounded a bit sweet. I move to look in the direction of the voice and my eyes meet a short statured woman. She had a bob cut of pale blonde hair, pale hazel eyes, a bright white lab coat, and some black clothes underneath. She gave me a smile, and when she realizes I hadn't registered what she said she repeated herself.

"We are glad to have you awake finally! Miss Kodie." She spoke again, still a sweet voice, but she sounded cheerful in a way. I gave her a little nod before I put my hand to my throb head again. 

"I-I'm sorry.." I started out, but had to clear my dry throat a few times before I could continue again. "I.. I don't think I know who you are.. Who are you?" I looked around the room now, I was in the middle of a white room, it had screens all around it, and tables with instruments. I was incased in a glass cage right in the middle. In the glass cage with me was a small metal framed bed with a thin mattress and a thin dark grey blanket. There was no sign of how they got me in here, no door to the glass.

She chuckled and clasped her hands together as she moved closer to me. "I would be very surprised if you knew who we were, Miss Kodie. But we definitely know who and what you are." I raised a brow at the woman before me, and watched as she paced slightly before me on the other side of this glass. Before I could get a word out she continued on. "You wont be here long, We just have you here for some studies.. and just incase.. you wont be remembering any of this.. Just for all of our safety."

She gave me a smile and I was super confused, plus the oncoming headache didn't help. "Can you, tell me who this "we" is then? or who you are?" She seemed to chuckled before she spoke out again in her sweet voice.

"Well Miss Kodie, lots of our... patients... call us "The Voices"." She seemed to giggle a bit like I should know what that means, but did that mean I was at a hospital? Was I safe here? Truly safe?

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