Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

I was beginning to grow impatient. Growling lightly at Zyan, I spoke in a stern tone. "Tell Me Zyan." He still remained silent, I was growing very frustrated at him. So I snapped, "ZYAN NOW!!" 

I heard him whimper, I felt sorry but I wanted answers do I didn't apologize. "A-Alex, you'll find out s-soon enough. Just please wait for the answer to come to you. Please?" He was practically begging me now. What happened to him being the top dog until I was older? Doesn't matter now. 

I snorted. "Sure, whatever I'm sure you just had a dumb answer anyway." I turned onto my side so I wasn't looking at the ceiling and closed my eyes. Shutting out Zyan for the night, Sleep wouldn't hurt. 

The Next Morning..

I woke up to a silent House. The only thing I could hear was the soft breathing of Kodie, she was still asleep. I rose in my bed and looked at the clock. It read 7:05am, which seemed a little early. I thought it was extremely odd that the house was overly quiet. So I got out of my bed, my little feet landing softly onto the floor. For I did not want to wake Kodie. I slowly crept over to her crib and stood on my tippy toes peering in. There she laid, her blanket thrown off in the middle of the night as her small, soft features were peaceful on her face. It made me smile at her and speak out gently, "Kodie, I love you, I will be the best big brother and protect you forever." 

It seemed as though she let out a little sigh after I said that, but I ignored it and returned to my bed. Comfortably getting under my comforter I easily fell asleep, knowing there was nothing to worry about. 

In a few Hours...

I woke up again and checked the clock. It now read 9:30am. I quickly sat up in my bed and swung my legs over the side of my bed. I didn't sense Kodie it the room and it made me worried for a second, but I then realized Mom's scent lingered in my room. So I began to assume mom grabbed Kodie while I was asleep for the second time. I pushed myself off the bed and landed on my feet. Quickly running to my dresser I opened a few drawers taking out articles of clothing. Getting out of my pajamas I changed into the new clothes and left me room.

Running down the stairs I followed the scent of my family and entered the kitchen. Where I am met with the view of mom playing with Kodie's little nose, while dad is cooking and smiling at them and Granny is making a pot of coffee. This view was lovely, and for once, I felt like everything was perfect. I skipped into the kitchen and was greeted by my Granny's arms and moms wonder voice. While dad quickly reached over and gave my head a noogie. I tried to get out of his grasp while we all started laughing. It was great, no, this is great.

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