Chapter 24

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Kodie's POV

For the next few days, I had avoided Alex as much as I could during training. I didn't want to bother him more by even looking at him. But from what I've noticed these past few days is that the bags under his eyes seem to only get bigger and bigger. I realized our father must be pushing him harder in training. Harder... Faster... Quick... Move it... I mean he does that to me at training, but Alex was so much better than me and the other pups his age. What was the problem with him?

Simona had been complaining to me about my father and making threats to force the demonic form change to remove the hurt it causes me and Alex. But she knows it would only hurt me more than it would benefit her. I can also tell she is beginning to love Alex, she can probably feel the love I have for him and she's grown accustomed to it. So when we watch father go hard on Alex Simona gets protective and i have to listen to more threats. 

I sigh out as I'm walking home from school. i listen to the forest around me and to me if was peaceful. Simona thought differently.

"Kodie, could you speed up the pace a bit? I feel like something is wrong here..." Simona seemed a bit distance as she spoke, like she was paying attention to something. I began looking around now nervous because she never mentioned anything like that when we walked home from school. 

"Why is that, Simona?" I ask back and I scent the air with my nose. I had a pretty good sense of smell for not having my wolf yet. but I guess that was the double alpha genes. I listen to stories of how Alex got his wolf when he was younger. "There isn't anything different in the air. I've smelled it all before. Nothing wrong-..." I was interrupted by some rustling sounds that didn't sound like the wind was just blowing. Before I could think or say anything else the shadow of the suspicious rustling creature was over me. A solid figure came crashing down onto me now along with its shadow. The wind is knocked out of my and I'm face down on to the dirt path. I struggle underneath the weight and I feel a cloth go across my mouth. The smell of strong herbs hits my nose and  I struggle even more trying to get them away.

After a few minutes of struggling and the cloth still to my mouth and nostrils, I felt my eye lids and limbs getting heavy. Lightly muttering I feel the cloth leave my face, but I'm too weak to fight back now. My eyes close and the darkness welcomes me coldly as the weight and warmth of my attacker is leaves from above me. I could feel that Simona was also weak, but I could faintly hear her. I feel my body being lifted up off the dirt path and my limbs flop in the arm some. Finally the darkness consumes me and I black out. No longer reacting, moving, or thinking.

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