Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

I woke up with the steal door being banged on. I heard my Mom somewhat screaming and Kodie crying. I lifted my head from the couch and saw something horrible. A strong, very muscular, guy had my Mom up on the wall choking her. Kodie was on the couch next to me. Zyan's voice appeared.

"You ready, Buddy..?" Zyan asked me. Before I could even say anything like, 'For what.' My bones began to crack and my clothes started to rip. I screamed in some pain, but then it stopped. Looking down at my hands, there was no hand just four paws. I smiled a wolfy smile. I heard a thud and looked to the man. He had dropped my Mom to the ground. She was gagging, I growled and he laughed.

"Oh, look here. A little wolf, what an easy kill." I growled even louder, while he stalked closer to me. Before I could react he leaped at me, shifting in midair. I went to curl up into a little ball when a flash of red stopped me. The wolf howled in pain and disappeared into a pile of dusk. My Mom looked at me, I shrugged. We then both looked at Kodie, the baby who wore a huge grin. Mom ran to her lifting her into her arms. I heard Zyan's voice once more.

"Now think of being human, you'll shift back." Then he chuckled. "See I told you she was special." I smiled a wolfy smile. I shifted back, and ran to Mom. She chuckle at my nakedness. I giggled and grabbed a blanket sitting on the couch. Kodie was giggling and laughing with a huge grin. I smiled at her cueing at her.

Then the door held a loud growl. I didn't flinch or scream, because I knew who it was. Mom smiled and ran to the figure in the door. Dad grabbed her and hugged her tightly. He was covered in blood. I scented it wasn't his and held Kodie close. I turned away when they kissed.

"Eww, Mom Dad!" I covered Kodie's eyes who giggled even more. Dad chuckled deeply as Mom blushed wildly. Dad saw my clothes on the ground ripped and rushed to me.

"Alex you alright..?" He asked protectively checking for any wounds I may have. I nodded and went to speak when Mom took Kodie and spoke.

"Karter, he shifted today." Dad looked up at my face wide eyed.

"Uh Oh. This isn't gunna go to well." I thought to myself.

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