Chapter 26

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Subject V-158 (AKA Boy)'s  POV

On and on with my travels and I could tell the forest wasn't as dense now as it was back near my home. This new part of the forest was brighter and warmer, there were not as many shadows as there were back home. In this new place I could see tiny white flowers in the grass and there was actually a path here. I had been walking on this dirt path until the voice ordered, "TO THE BUSHES, QUICKLY... BEHIND A TREE IS A CLOTH GRAB IT."

Almost knowing exactly where they wanted me to go I went off the dirt path and to a tree. Actually in a little nook of the tree was a white folded up cloth. It smelt heavily of herbs and if I had any sense I would have reacted to it. Probably by scrunching up my face and recoiling from the cloth. But alias I did not. I simply held it and listened to the voice command me around again, and like usual I obey. "BACK TO THE SHADOWS ALONG THE PATH....THEN WAIT QUIETLY...."

Sometimes I didn't know why I listened to these voices, but its all I remember doing my entire life so far. I often wonder what it would be like not having voices to listen to, but probably everyone had them. Voices to tell then what to do, how to feel, and what to say. I haven't spoken much, I've learned punishment if I speak back to the voices. Sometimes it would be burns to my hands, arms, legs, or feet. Other times it would be no eating for a week or being able to get a drink of water. I needed all of those things so I simply listen, stay quiet, obey, and repeat. 

So there I am, crouched behind some bushes on the more dense side of this dirt path and waiting for the voices again. My mind drifts as to what I could be doing. Perhaps it was a new way of hunting, or its to test my patience and waiting abilities! Either or any way I was happy to obey and listen to the voices, I was almost honored. Then they finally spoke up again. "GET READY TO POUNCE AND TACKLE....DO NOT HURT THE CREATURE TO BADLY....WE'LL NEED IT...." 

I had to be careful with this catch this time and if my hunger were to kick in, I couldn't feed or I would receive a punishment once again. I didn't need that happening so I will listen and make the voices proud. Then a wretched smell find the air and my nostrils, but once again I didn't recoil. I simply wondered what it was, sometimes I would smell it on other hunts also a bit aways from home. I always asked myself what kind of creature it could possibly be from. Human, Witch, Coyote, Werewolf, Vampire? Who knew? Well maybe the voices did. 

As I'm thinking to myself something along the path catches my eye. I turn my head to it and see a creature that stood about four feet, had long red hair, and eyes that looked as if they were actually leaves of a tree. This creature was dressed in clothing like me, only no hoodie, but a t-shirt... t-shirt... yes i think thats the right word for it. The creature seemed to be looking around alert, and thats when the voices came back. "NOW TACKLE AND KEEP IT DOWN....PUT CLOTH OVER ITS MOUTH AND NOSE....IT SHOULD SLEEP THEN...." 

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