Chapter 9

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Alex's POV

"Alex, how did you get those images..??" Zyan's voice came into mind. I didn't know how to answer him. I thought him had given me the images.

"I.. I don't know Zyan.... Is it bad... I thought yo-" My ranting was cut off by Zyan. I guess I was going crazy.

"Alex, please, it is fine.. You just need to sleep, I'm sure it was just a dream." He voice sounded different, like less confident and more wary. Almost like he was upset or in question. I would ask him later for that, as my eyes began to heave and close. I fell asleep shortly after, not even 5 seconds later.

Two Months Later...

I ran around the house, trying to gain my werewolf speed. I tried running faster and faster. I was going to race dad in a little bit, and I needed to be ready. I also tried to shift while running, hoping Zyan was ready... He wasn't. I kept doing this for about 5 minutes. After that dad came out and was in his jeans, fancy top, and his good shoes. Looks like dad and mom are going out today and not coming back until tomorrow. I always wonder what they were doing, mom only said that I would find out when I was older. I really wanted to know, like really bad. I lined up by the small tree, wearing my basketball shorts and a Jordan T-shirt. My sneakers were wore, but they were old.

"Ready, Champ..??" Dad asked and he lined up next to me, eyeing me up. He does that to most people, yet I don't understand why.

"Alex, I see you have been practicing." I nodded and smiled proudly, work does show. I began to flex like dad told me how to. Dad laughed.

"Alex, son, I can see your shoe prints.." He nodded to the track around the house. "But, before you get discouraged. Prints like those mean that the runner was going extremely fast. That's what mine are going to turn out like." He winked with humor. I laughed this time. Getting ready to count down.

"3-2-1 GO!" I yelled fast, ready to catch him off guard. I did! I ran ahead of him going down the 30 feet that measured the one side of the large house.

"Okay," Zyan Spoke. "only 270 more to go!" I laughed at Zyan and kept going, I knew I wasn't going to keep it up. I look back behind me and saw dad going full force trying to make it up to me. So I went full force. Running as fast as my little legs could take me. I finished the second side when I didn't hear my dad's pounding feet behind me. I looked back and found him on the ground. I could feel Zyan smile and tell me.

"He was 50 feet away when he fell!!" Jogging over to my dad I looked down at him, not even out of breath. He was patting and gasping for air, he looked like a loon.

"Alex.... Why... Did... You... Go... So... Fast...??" He asked in between breaths. I shrugged and he smiled. Picking me up and placing me on his shoulders we went the back the way we came. He was heading to the front door. He muttered something. "Again! Serious, werewolf hearing much!!!??"

"What was that, dad..??" He raised his head, his lips curled into a smile.

"I said, It must be easy having two alpha genes in you." I shrugged not knowing what that meant. Looking up I saw mom. She waved and asked who won, I told her and she raised a brow.

"Karter. Alex, our son, beat you at a race...??!" There was a smile on her lips when she spoke. Dad nodded and I laughed as he tickled me. Setting me down into mom's arms. Mom kissed my cheek and I kissed hers. She set me down and I noticed Granny was inside, waiting for me. I watched them go to a car, it was black with a white racing strip down the middle. They got in and I waved and they drove away, both stuck a hand out the window, waving back. I walked inside and was confronted with a hug from Granny, who had Kodie in her arms. Tonight was going to be fun!!

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