Chapter 22

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Kodie's POV

I entered the house already in a sour mood compared to the usual I'm in when arriving home after school.

"How could they have lied to me?" I thought. Alex could not even be my brother. How would I live with that?

Simona started chit chatting again. "Well who knows why they've lied to you, but I'll always be honest to you!" I felt like that was a lie already. I rolled my eyes and dropped my backpack off my the front door. Tearing off my shoes I heard soft foot prints coming in my direction. I looked up to see my Granny hovering over me.

"Hello Dearie..." She started, before my eyes met with hers. When they did, she quickly noticed I was off and frowned. "Honey, what is the matter? Are you alright?"

Her frown totally changed my mood. I couldn't be mad at her! First of all, she did nothing wrong, I only began to feel sour after my trip to Almost Hell. Secondly, no one could stay mad at Granny, she had this sweet and gentle look and glow to her. She always make me think about Angels.

"I'm not anything like her, for I am a demon. How unlucky I have gotten." I glared inside my head a little. It was mostly directed to where I felt Simona's presence.

"Hey! Being a demon is way cooler than being an Angel! You can do more things! We cares about healing people and sh-.." Simona stopped herself and seemed to change her words. "..stuff.."

"I'd love for everyone to respect me and find hope in me like they do Granny. Now shush. We'll talk later." I told Simona off and felt her mumble something. She would probably be mad at me, but I want to be focused on Granny at the moment.

Shaking my head, I quickly responded to Granny. "Yea, I'm okay. You can say I had a bad day at school." I gave her a forced and weak smile. Her grown deepened and I instantly wanted to take back my words and sour mood. She didn't need the wrinkles from frowning!

"Oh Dearie, I'm sorry. Would you mind talking about it over some milk and cookies?" Granny have me a soft and encouraging smile. I couldn't lie anymore to her. It'd kill me and then I would tell her about me being a demon and about Simona. I couldn't let her see that I wasn't good like her. That I was going to be bad, with Simona's help.

"No Granny, I think I need to go lay down and rest. My head actually hurts." I simply put and returned her soft smile with one of my own. She nodded a little, I could tell she was hurt by me declining. Maybe she needed a talk too. I was already regretting my decision, but I had to stick to it. I had to make sure Granny didn't hate me.

If I lost Granny's support, I'd lose the last person who actually cared for me. Mom is gone, Dad is a jerk, Alex has pushed me away, and Granny would ignore me and hide from me. I couldn't let that happen!

"I won't let that happen." I promised to myself and watched Granny give me another tiny frown. If I hadn't been paying attention for a frown, it would've been unnoticeable.

"Okay Dearie. You call for me if you need anything. Or if you change your mind. I'm always here for you!" Granny seemed to puff her chest out, seemingly trying to make herself look bigger. "I may be old but I will kick someone's butt if I have to! I'll do anything for my lil Grandbaby!"

I giggled out at her behavior. She was literally the most pure thing ever! I don't know how Dexter said I was pure. It's probably because Granny has been rubbing off of me. Or maybe it was because I was so young and haven't really left the house except for training or school.

I gave her another smile. "Don't worry Granny! I'll let you know when it comes to the right time!" I leaned up on my tippy toes and she instinctively bent down for me. I kissed her cheek and hugged her. I didn't want to let go of her, but I never did when I hugged her. Her hugs were always so warm and soothing.

"Thanks Granny." I said finally as I pulled away from her and began to the staircase.

"No problem, Dearie!" Granny responded almost instantly and headed off to. Most likely to the kitchen, she was always in the kitchen. Whether she was sitting at the island drinking her coffee or making everyone cookies. I began climbing up the staircase with my hand on the open railing.

When I reached the top of the staircase, I made it in front of my own door. I looked to the door across the hall from me. It was Alex's room, and the door was actually closed. I knew he must be in there because Granny always kept it open when he wasn't home. She said it was depressing around the house when it was closed. I took the few steps to his door, maybe I should check on him.

Maybe I could open up to him, it would be someone who could help me. I raised my right hand and knocked on his door. Hopefully he would answer, and not be mean to me.

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