Chapter 8

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Alex's POV

I soon drifted off to sleep as Zyan's voice faded. He had begun to tell me the abilities of a werewolf. I felt my eyelids heave over my eyes. The stories my father told me when he would tuck me in. Showed in my dreams.

The beautiful Moon Goddess, dressed in a glowing white goon, appeared. She was looking down on planet Earth. She was watching the Moon Children; Werewolves, Vampares, and Werecats. The way they talked to each other; friendly, caring, kind, and hopeful. Brought a smile upon her; bright, full, dark red lips. The smile that brightened up the streets, rivers, valleys, and well the entire Earth. The moonlit forest held two creatures. One looked of werewolf, the other nothing like one of the Moon Children. This was none other than a demon.

The woman had long red hair. Her bright green eyes shown in the light , as her affection for the demon was strong. The man had dark noir* hair. His Dark Blood red eyes glowed with admiration. The spoke quietly to each other.

"Kase, you know we can't cross breed. You already know I'm a Werewolf Witch Hybrid. And you know that I know your a Demon Vampire." The woman spoke in a hasty voice. The man rolled his eyes.

"Garcie, look I know that we can't cross breed, but we can still love each other." Kase said taking the hands of Garcie. He looked lovingly into her eyes. She returned it, smiling happily.

"Kase, I Love You. A lot!" Garcie exclaimed proudly, appearing to make Kase smile even more. So he returned it.

"Garcie, I Love You even More!" Then he pulled her into a warm and passionate kiss. It was sweet and simple. Then the couple faded, like they were never there. Then the vision lead to a little cottage, screams of pain filled the cold, chilling air.

Garcie was going to bare Kase's child. Kase didn't want the word to get out so he made her give birth with no doctor or anything. He watched as his mother helped Garcie with the birth. He left the room and paced in his little hallway. He would soon be the father of an amazing hybrid. He knew he had to be careful and that soon after the child's birth hide the baby. Not all species respects the birth of a cross breed, let alone the cross breed of two parent hybrids. He knew that this child of his would never get to know him, be loved by him, and have him as a parent.

Garcie's screams stopped and the scream of a baby filled the cottage. Kase ran into the room and saw a beautiful baby in the arms of his lover. Garcie was smiling proudly cueing at the baby. Looking up to meet Kase's glaze, his mother proclaimed.

"Its a Girl!" The couple smiled and Kase spoke.

"Kodie, I welcome you to the world." Kase and Garcie smiled lovingly at each other, and their daughter.

I jolted awake after the dream. Looking over to the crib I saw Kodie fast asleep, I looked to the window. It was night fall and pitch black out, no moonlight as if the Moon Goddess as forgot or something.

"So, is that why Kodie is special..?"I asked myself, when the familiar voice came into my mind.

*Noir is Black in French

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