Chapter 23

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Kodie's POV

I knocked on the door and hummed out a bit as I rocked on my toes. "Would he come talk to me?" I asked to no one in particular but Simona seemed to feel the need to respond.

"I believe he loves you so much! WHY wouldn't he open up to you?" She answered my question with support and a question of her own. My Moon Goddess, if only she knew and understood.

"There are some people that are coming between us." I was able to simply reply to her before the door opened slightly with a slow creek sound. Those intense brown eyes met with my green ones and I could almost feel my heart drop to the pits of my stomach.

The familiar soft, but intense, brown eyes I knew once as full and cheery, were now sad and hard. They were bloodshot and his eye lashes seemed to stick together and to his eye lids. He had been crying, but why had he? I don't know.

"Alex..-" I started to speak finally after observing him, but he cut my off right away.

"What do you want?" Alex asked me sternly and with authority lacing his voice. He was trying to look tough and strong, trying to hide he had been crying over something. He also knew I noticed he had been crying so that probably made him even more upset.

"I wanted to know how you were doing. I haven't seen you in a while, nor have we talked." I simply replied. I tried to study his face, but anything that seemed weak to him was shut away from me. I hated that we weren't as close anymore. All thanks to our freaking dad!

"I'm fine, Kodie. Don't you have anything to do other than bother me? I have stuff I have to do, and I don't need you in my hair while I'm trying to do it!" He sneered at me, with a face full of hate and disgust. I could feel my face begin to burn and my vision get cloudy. My throat began to feel right even too.

I could only manage to get out, "okay.." Before I whipped around and sped walk to my room. Opening the door I never shot him a second glance because I didn't want him to see me crying. All I got as a signal he moved from the scene was his door slamming. I slammed mine in response.

"What a friggin jerk!" I heard Simona in my head once again. Most of the time she got annoying, but I guess now she could comfort me and I needed that.

"It's not his fault," I begin defending him as I begin to feel my tears run down my cheeks at a good fast pace. It was almost like my body was cleansing me of my fears and hatred towards my father. "Our father is cruel to him and acts splendid towards me, he's probably mad at me for that."

Simona scuffed and I could feel her glaring at me. "That is some BS! Perhaps we can get rid of your father!" I chuckled a little at her. She seemed to be serious with herself about killing my dad. She is my demon side, she wouldn't care if it was her own father, she's kill the man causing harm. I wouldn't let her do that. I have to gain control of her before she finds out anymore more. She can't just go on rampages and end up killing my dad, THE Alpha.

"Simona, you can't go around killing people around these parts, especially not the world's biggest pack alpha. There will be consequences for sure! And they wouldn't effect you get much, because this is my body..-" I was trying to explain this to her but she interrupted me.

"Now excuse me! When you take my demon form and allow me to be in control I look a little different than you do in your human form. So unless someone knew you were part demon, which no one does, then you wouldn't get in trouble!" She shot back quickly at him and I sighed, she was right she had a point, but so did I.

"It is not happening Simona, now hush on the subject please. He is the one missing out on some awesome times. Besides I don't want to get on Alex or my Dad's bad side. I have to train with them everyday you know? I would like to keep less work than I already do." I sigh out to her and moved to my bed laying down on it. I would end up drowning in my sorrows and feelings for hours until Granny called me down for dinner

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